Another Problem!
It’s been almost a generation of people who’ve never experienced the joys of a high interest rate environment. The period up until now has been very deceptive as the higher the level of inactivity and passivity that is applied within the organization, the greater the rewards seemed to have been. If you did nothing, it didn’t matter, as in time the issue was overwhelmed by the higher value of the overall assets. Buying and holding was the only strategy and from that everyone learned it was the key to success. Buy on the dips and hold through the ups and downs. That has become the way in which business has been managed since 2003, the time that the U.S. government 10 year bond dipped and remained well below 5%.
What I think we can now look forward to is a return of a competitive market environment. One in which the producer firms in the oil and gas industry will have to live by their wits and perform or get left behind. An environment where I don’t think many recall and few have the background in which to understand. The point of the matter is that as an investor, if I can purchase a U.S. government bond that guarantees me 5% why would I invest in anything that doesn’t provide that or better on a competitive basis with equal risk? An oil and gas producer is going to have to provide, if they’re to succeed, a return to the investor of 10% in order to compete and maintain their stock price. If they can’t they’ll be quickly forgotten and investors will move on. During this zero interest rate period disgruntled shareholders have been offered U.S. government bond rates that averaged 2%, no reason to sell the producers. With the speed and ruthlessness of these new types of markets shareholders will be unable to consider any point of view other than the fact that the 10% was not reached. Tell me of an oil and gas producer that is able to meet those demands in the current industry. If you find one then I’ll ask you to recalculate their earnings on the basis of a more reasonable capitalization and depletion methodology. One that would at least generate cash and seeks to compete in the capital markets of 2018.
Coincidental with this era in which the buy and hold strategy has been so successful. I’ve been pounding the pavement trying to get a decision to proceed with the development of the Preliminary Specification or its earlier versions. As I said indecision and inaction have been the most successful tactics in this market and considering the decline in the commodity prices we should have seen many producers having difficulties hanging on as far back as the 2008 financial crisis. It’s only been since 2016 when the investors became wise to the game of backfilling the cash demands of the producers for the past four decades did they stop investing. Even this investor strike has not caused any of the producers to face their demise or make any decisions to rectify the situation. I am suggesting this easy business environment is moving along as we speak. Only to be replaced by a somewhat normal environment where only the strong will survive and prosper.
Which brings up the question who will that be? I say it won’t be this bunch. You can start a business off and pursue two generally different strategies. Establish profitability immediately or build the business and then shift to profitability. The current producers chose to do the build then shift to profitability model. The problem with the companies who chose to pursue the building of the business and then shift to profitability approach is that the profitability never comes. You can’t change the stripes on a tiger and you can’t make an unprofitable company profitable. Some have tried but they’ll all eventually fail. Profitability is not the same thing as spending money. Spending money is the easy part. Making a business profitable is the difficult part. Currently we have an industry of spenders who were “building the business” for the past four decades with cheap and easy money acquired through the publication of specious accounting reports. The last 15 years have been in this zero interest rate, anything goes environment. Are these the producers that are going to be able to get the industry moving forward again? You have my answer.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.