Second Quarter Analysis, Part III
Something that I’m noticing here in the past few months may have a significant impact on the health and welfare of the oil and gas industry. It seems that the media and John Q. Public are less concerned with the industry's activities then in the past few years. When natural gas prices collapsed, soon everyone found other points of interest to occupy their minds and time. Does anyone get out of bed in the morning to hear the news of what’s happening in the natural gas marketplace? What is the news in the natural gas marketplace? It would seem that we’re headed down the same alley with oil doesn’t it? What used to be the top news of the day in oil and gas was also the top news in the business world. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. The “market rebalancing” story is the only thing coming out of the industry and everyone has heard that repeated many times. It’s as if no one cares what the industry does now.
The second quarter’s authors reflect a deep knowledge and understanding of the level of concern for the industry. The boldness of their statements stands out to me. Reporting profits and cash flow of any kind, no matter how it’s calculated, is the only game in town. They know that no one is going to raise any concern in the middle of the summer. They know that nothing is expected of them. They know to keep their mouths shut and lay low so that they can keep the gravy train rolling for a while longer. The industry today is indecisive, incapable and irresponsible. Mostly it’s unchanging. The next 25 years will remain the same if we leave the situation in the hands of those that are in charge today. It’s not that they’ll lose what they have, it's that we have to take it from them. To do that we need to begin the slow process of building the momentum towards the alternative in the Preliminary Specification. You can maybe tell that I’m not very hopeful at all of industry meeting our deadlines. If they do or not is irrelevant at this point. We need to act in the best interests of society's needs for long term stable and affordable energy.
Many people didn’t sign on to live in a dull grey day-to-day existence. Those that were pushed out in the downturn have already found greener pastures in other industries. The Trump economy is picking up and will soon start to draw people into areas that are a little more dynamic than oil and gas has been since 2008. The fact of the matter is there’s a cheap, abundant supply of oil and gas for the next 50 years. What concern could anyone have? I think it becomes rather risky when everyone turns its back on an industry and just assumes that these products will be available in abundant fashion. Already we’ve lost most of the important long term players like the investors and bankers. The bureaucrats will be the next to move on and then what’ll we have. Who’s going to pick up the pieces and rebuild it brick by brick and stick by stick?
I’ve suggested here that this summer we’ll see a continuation of the losses and difficulties for the oil and gas producers, a precipitous decline in the price of oil and the bureaucrats moving on to seek greener pastures in other industries. If so, who cares? I think this is where People, Ideas & Objects, the user community and service providers come in. There are many things we can be doing despite what the bureaucrats are not doing today. Every day I struggle to accomplish anything during the day. Yet when I look back over the past six months, I can see that much has been accomplished. This is how this project is going to be developed from this point forward. Brick by brick, and stick by stick. The way anything worthwhile develops. No earth shattering announcements. Just people going about doing the things that need to be done, those things that are not getting done in an oil and gas industry that everyone seemingly has stopped caring about.
The current management have capitulated. It won’t be a fight between us and them for control. They’ve given up and don’t care. We know what their not doing, what is it that we don’t know they’re not doing. These should be the areas of our primary concern. If we’re to assume the administration of the industry at what point does theirs end and our’s begin? We undertake to do it as a replacement on the basis of the underlying vision of the Preliminary Specification. Member’s of our user community need to consider what their actions will be if the producers do not participate in our development and our September 25, 2017 deadline. A highly probable scenario. Nothing in that future will happen without our user communities involvement. Everything hinges on the user community. There maybe other initiatives that pop-up as a result of the continued decline in the industry. Will they have the user community focus of People, Ideas & Objects? Will they be timely? If you want user community driven ERP developments in oil and gas then this is your opportunity. Our user community vision is the appropriate foundation for a user community to approach the issues and opportunities that are faced in oil and gas. Whatever happens in the next few months we have work to do.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.