Something for Everyone, Part VI
The North American producer has therefore as little as a year to get their house in order before the IPO of Saudi Aramco. If North American producers can establish to the markets satisfaction that they’ve caught that old time religion of real profitability, then OPEC may not see the need to flood the market with deliverability post IPO. North American producers would be able to provide the market with this information by developing the Preliminary Specification. This would ensure that all North American production would be profitable. And, as the highest cost producers, would define the global commodity prices realized in the oil and gas marketplace. This would also bring back their investors and bankers who are unable to support the industry in its current, unprofitable configuration.
This does not preclude North America from becoming energy independent. It only precludes North America from becoming unprofitably energy independent. The false hope that drives the market bravado today. It should be clear to any independent thinker that the investors are unwilling to pay the additional capital costs of increased deliverability in North America with no expectation of any return. They have subsidized the consumers of energy for four decades. With the amount of the subsidy being clearly advertised as property, plant and equipment on the producers balance sheets. These actual capital costs of past production are never realized and therefore are stored there to represent the subsidy the producers have granted to the energy consumer. Never recognizing the costs of capital in a capital intensive business is ludicrous. Producers today report that their profitable only after they deduct overhead and oilfield operations such as pump jacks etc. The costs of drilling, completion and equipping are stored on the balance sheet for decades at a time. Demanding that each producer issue more stock each year to stem the chronic cash shortfall. Diluting existing shareholders holdings, only to do the same in each subsequent year. What the Soviets did in their economy in the 1960’s was more productive then this economic system.
Establishing the oil and gas producer as a spender, like a drunken sailor, is how the oil and gas industry is currently configured. Can they become profitable? Traditionally the power of creative destruction steps in and wipes the garbage away. That’s not happening. The producers are being supported due to the high intensity of capital requirements in the industry. The prior investments are returning enough cash to the organizations to pay the overhead and keep the operation performing at the bare minimum. Probably for a few more decades. Therefore how do People, Ideas & Objects, the user community and service providers obtain the financial resources to institute the necessary changes in the industry to enable profitability? Certainly the producers are able to survive in today's environment. The question we need to ask is, will they be able to survive in the environment where the post Saudi Aramco IPO, low cost producers will accept any price?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.