Best Business Opportunity, Ever, Part III
The capital structure of the producer firms in North America no longer exists. It has been destroyed through bad policies and management over the past four decades. The only thing that would enable the North American producer to continue as a viable going concern would be the allocation of a trillion dollars to recapitalize these zombies. If you expect that we will achieve energy independence from this group of producers then People, Ideas & Objects have nothing for you. If you critically review any financial statement of any North American based producer the financial difficulties of each and everyone are unresolvable. Expecting a mouse to run like a horse is foolhardy, you’ll only be disappointed. Decisions need to be made. Do we pursue the best business opportunity, ever, or recapitalize these defunct organizations with additional capital for them to squander? People, Ideas & Objects are recommending that we proceed with the best business opportunity ever by starting with the development of the Preliminary Specification.
We have stated that the opportunity to establish a new oil and gas producer. One that avoids the debt and capital structure of the existing producers is the best business opportunity, ever. Providing profitability and growth in the production of oil and gas that these new startups would be able to generate is one aspect of the opportunity. Another is the upswing available to them as a result of North America achieving energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects value proposition of implementing the Preliminary Specification and following through with this opportunity is $25.7 to $45.7 trillion over the next 25 years. That is the vision that we are proposing here at People, Ideas & Objects. A new oil and gas industry, based on profitability and growth, that achieves energy independence. We are creating this new industry from scratch so to speak. Using the process of creative destruction to deal with the issues in the industry and establish a new foundation of profitable growth.
To help to define this opportunity more clearly it is necessary to dispel a number of myths that the current oil and gas producers are operating under. I have argued that the current industry is nothing more than excellent engineering and a science experiment. The business aspect of how the industry does what it does doesn’t exist. That the level of understanding of business by the producers is indeed very low and that accusations by them that our price maker strategy is collusion is the strongest evidence of this. The myths that we need to dispel today are that the producers costs have come down since the decline in energy prices. Another myth that operates throughout the industry is that the oil and gas commodity markets will clear themselves leading to higher prices.
With respect to the first myth we can state unequivocally that historical costs are fixed. There is no way in the world, if a producer has spent $15 million on a well, that any process can be undertaken to reduce that cost. Oil and gas is a capital intensive business. The cost of capital is the highest cost that is incurred by the producer. Having producing wells, from an operational standpoint, are not where the costs are incurred in the industry. Operating costs may have come down somewhat, and royalties are variable so there are those aspects of the cost are decreasing. But the historical fixed costs remain $15 million. If the producer is stating that they can now drill that well for $14 million then they are correct in asserting that their future costs are coming down. But to assert that their costs of production is decreasing in line with prices is kindly classified here as a myth. Some may find it to hold elements of misrepresentation. The industry operates on the mythical “recycle cost” which is not based on historical fact. To determine recycle costs to produce at today’s prices they would therefore need a recycle cost that falls under the prices realized. And so that is declared. That is how the industry is reducing its costs. By declaring that their “recycle costs” are lower than the prices realized in the market.
The next myth that we need to dispel is the idea that the “market” will clear itself. Producers have convinced themselves not to do anything in the face of declining commodity prices. That doing anything would first of all involve work and thinking. And secondly “markets” are magic things like dragons and wizards. Just wait for the “market” to reflect what you desire. This passive attitude has lead to what we call “willful destruction” and is the source of the industries financial destruction. The price system is how markets work. If you’re competitive and profitable at the price the market is offering then you produce. If the prices are unable to provide for a profitable operation you need to shut-in that production to conserve the firm's overall profitability, save the reserves for the time in which they can be produced profitably, remove the marginal production from the commodity markets and reduce the costs of your reserves by not adding the additional losses onto those reserves to be recovered in the future. That is how a market works. It is the price system, it's not a fairy tale. Markets don’t clear themselves unless people take action. What we have is producers continuing to produce irrespective of the financial consequences and refusing to act in their own best interests because the “market will clear.”
The deception that producers management kid themselves with is that their historical fixed costs continue to decrease and that they are therefore profitable at the current prices, and that eventually markets will clear. Can you see the circular logic that underlies their thinking? They continue to state they’re profitable but then produce financial statements reflecting they’re losing more money than they have ever had their hands on. So how does this make the best business opportunity ever? When you go into business you want to have your competitors logic and thinking this twisted.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.