Creative Destructions Finest Hour
By investing purely and cleanly into new organizations you are able to skip the lineup when the dividends or interest payments are made. You're the only game in town. That there is such a strong “buyers” market in oil and gas property market, which makes it ideal for the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. Entering the market now will provide you with a world of opportunity as the only ways and means that the existing producers can survive in the short term is by dumping their properties. And these producers will all soon be trying to raise as much cash as possible. The rush to the door may have already started, but I can assure you that the number of properties that will be put up for sale will make a well capitalized start-up leverage this crisis to their benefit.
The trouble with this strategy is that the real brains in the oil and gas business, and the brains are a critical aspect of the success of the firm, are all trying to workout the difficulties in the existing producers. What the investor may want to do is to offer some options or a piece of the producer firm for those brains to bolt the existing producer and run the start-up. Their choice would be to struggle through the difficulties of the existing producer. With every investor and banker shaking each and every skeleton in the closet from the past forty years. Or start fresh and new with the chance to eliminate the mistakes that were made before. Everyone can see the appeal of a fresh start.
The opportunity that this process provides is approximately equal to the extent of the difficulties in the industry. I have stated that the overproduction and oversupply are the biggest issues in oil and gas, ever. That would make the opportunity to establish a new producer the best, ever. Which is the case. To ensure that the new producer doesn’t fall into the same old problems they will turn to People, Ideas & Objects and have the Preliminary Specification built. Maybe the principles of the existing producers could fund our budget for the development of the Preliminary Specification as their last official act. That way the new producer would ensure the investors that they have the system built to ensure they are the most profitable. And in the meantime the start-ups could use the existing producers capabilities in operating the properties that they’re purchasing. All for the measly costs of the COPAS overhead allowances.
This is creative destruction’s finest hour in oil and gas. I am pleased to be providing the creative elements to this process. Look to the existing producers if you think you can stomach the destruction. Where do you stand in terms of this opportunity? Is the drudgery and destruction appealing to you? The existing producers competitive structure and prior obligations have completely destroyed the viability of the producer. Paying investors and bankers back for the decades of capital expenditures doesn’t appeal to many people. Or is it the expectation that these existing producers will suddenly right all the wrongs and live that fairy tale life? Business decisions having been made in good faith on the basis of what was the old oil and gas industry. These decisions were wrong and there is no one to hold to account for them. Unless you appreciate the art of kicking dead horses, the best approach is to start anew and avoid these same bad decisions once again. I propose the industry do this on the foundation of the Preliminary Specification. But then my recommendation, so they say, is biased.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.