The Exception that Proves the Rule
Under what basis would a producer go to the market to raise money today? You can’t earn any profits. You’ve lost all of the money that was ever raised in the equity markets by the company. You continue to bleed cash at a pace that is shocking. Your field operations consume more cash than what they produce. You are unable to deal with this reality and look to passive, obscure events like “market rebalancing” as the methodology to cure the problem. And refuse to address the real issues of overproduction, oversupply and prolific shale formations. I guess the fact that you need the cash is one reason to go to the markets. A recent Deloitte survey of the industry states that its sunshine and rainbows as far as anyone in the industry is concerned.
And People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification is rejected out of hand due it being “collusion.” It’s not collusion, it's treating the industry as a business, not a science experiment. By each producer evaluating each property based on an actual, factual, detailed and complete accounting of the property. And that accounting reporting that the property is profitable, then the property continues to produce. If it is unprofitable, then it is shut-in until such time as it can be produced profitably. That is how a business operates. This is foreign and unacceptable to the producers who operate in the industry today. They believe it is “collusion” which proves their level of understanding of business is extremely low. Why would you continue to produce properties that are unprofitable? Yet the entire industry currently is substantially unprofitable. And they don’t see that as an issue. As long as there is more investor money to fund next year's capital expenditure program, everything will be ok in their corner of the daycare.
These are unsustainable businesses without outside capital being invested annually. Whether that is debt, equity or bonds the oil and gas producer has always had their hand out. Even in the alleged good times when prices were higher. The industry uses a methodology of accounting, dictated by the SEC, where the investments made in annual capital expenditures sit in Property, Plant and Equipment for decades on the balance sheet. Producers stuff this category with capitalized overhead and interest payments. Making field operations appear like their “cash flow positive” because they recognize none of the capital costs of the operation, in a capital intensive business, and always include the annual investor grant as part of that cash flow. This has destroyed the industry fundamentally and completely. An industry which apparently now believes that the good times are just around the corner. That what People, Ideas & Objects are selling is illegal and wrong. How backward can this industry be?
Tomorrow we will hear "definitively" the news that Opec won’t be making any production freeze agreements. And the producers will respond by saying that Opec doesn’t matter anymore. In direct conflict with what they were saying about the promise of an agreement last week. Hope, fairy tales and soothers are what pass for comfort in the industry today. There is just no way these companies are ever going to see the light that their unprofitable overproduction is the problem. Which leaves us with the creative part of their destruction. As with many industries before, the old gets washed away by the new. This week we’ll detail the phenomenal business opportunities that exists in oil and gas today once we turn our backs on these big baby’s.
This overproduction and oversupply is the greatest issue the oil and gas industry has ever faced. It's not business as usual under any basis. Those that think they will just resume normal operations are kidding themselves regarding how much damage has been done in the industry. Issues such as this, left unaddressed for this amount of time, fester into more difficult issues to resolve. People, Ideas & Objects believe only creative destruction will resolve this. However, to make matters worse producers have not been minding any of their business and will soon have to deal with the increased interest rates that are appearing on the horizon. It is conceivable that interest rates will double the amount of interest that producers will need to pay in the very near future. Unaddressed problems fester, and additional problems become more difficult to address. The industry is behind the eight ball and I don’t see them finding a way out.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.