The Speed of Change
The establishment of People, Ideas & Objects has with it our user community which consists of the people who supply the tacit knowledge of how the industry operates. They provide our developers with the understanding of what and how they need the People, Ideas & Objects software to operate to do their jobs, based on the alignment of the nine frameworks to the Joint Operating Committee. The user community members are also the people who have a financial and operating interest in the service providers who provide our software and their services to the oil and gas producers. It is this reorganization of the accounting, administrative, land administration, production administration and exploration administration that enable the producers to achieve these positive outcomes. Bureaucrats would have you believe that their accounting proficiency is their competitive advantage.
The structure of the producer is changed fundamentally from the configuration today to a stripped down version in the Preliminary Specification that includes the C class executives, the earth science and engineering resources, some land, legal and support staff. The service providers process the accounting and administrative processes on behalf of the industry. Replacing the need for each producer to build the redundant and unshareable accounting and administrative capabilities within each producer firm. Focusing on the industry as their client base, the service providers use specialization, the division of labor and automation of the individual process that they manage for industry to achieve the greatest administrative efficiencies. Having control of the software as a user community member they are able to change the process they manage by changing the People, Ideas & Objects software through the user community, and if necessary, with changes to the people in the service provider itself.
The advantage of our Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model’s price maker strategy is that it turns all of the producers costs into variable costs. If the producer finds a property is no longer profitable based on the price in the commodity markets. They can shut-in the property and none of the service providers will receive any data in our task and transfer network to process anything, and no subsequent service provider billing will occur. Creating a null operation on that property as opposed to that property incurring a loss as it does in today’s environment. Therefore increasing the producers overall profitability by only producing profitable properties, reducing their future capital costs by not having the costs of the losses added to their reserves capital base which needs to be recovered in the future, reducing the volume of the commodity in the marketplace allowing the commodities price to seek the marginal costs, and increasing the profitability of the producers other properties by having higher prices received for their production.
I haven’t calculated our value proposition for at least a year. The last time I ran the calculation it was in the range of $25.7 to $45.7 trillion. The $20 to $40 trillion is the amount of capital that is projected to be expended in the industry in the next 25 years. Our value proposition calculations include all of these capital costs being depleted over the course of at least three years. This returns the capital to its owners and is a critical part of our value proposition. The current bureaucracy like to let capital rot on their massively bloated balance sheets. Leaving no way in which to return the capital to its owners. In addition to the $20 to $40 trillion we have included in that number the amount that exists on producers balance sheets today. These capital costs will be included in our pricing calculations and is in essence the money that was invested in the industry in the past and will finally be returned. The $5.7 trillion is the amount of money that the oil and gas prices were able to provide in a profitable industry vs. what they are receiving at the time of the calculation. Oil was priced at $60 then and gas was much higher than today’s $1.90, therefore this element of our value proposition is at least double. But I don’t want to make the bureaucrats look too bad now do I.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.