We Need the Big Guys
Whatever it is that they are doing. If I should be so bold as to suggest, it won’t work. That is to say it’s not specifically their problem. The overproduction that is causing the price declines are everyone in the industries fault collectively, and no one specifically. If the integrated producers did resolve the problem internally that would not resolve the 2% overproduction that is occurring in the industry. Overproduction would continue to cause the oil and gas prices to remain depressed. One individual company, no matter how well it is managed, will not be able to resolve this problem. Everyone in the industry needs to adopt the discipline of only producing what is profitable. Only then when the industry has production discipline will this problem be solved. Having the integrated producers go it alone in what they may be doing is not going to resolve the commodity price issues on their own.
The ability to produce only what is profitable is going to need a new definition and standardization. Determining what is profitable is a necessary and critical aspect of what and how that production discipline is attained. Our service providers will be working for all of the producers in an objective manner. They will be implementing standardized accounting and administrative policies across the industry. So when it comes to account for the price of oil or gas. And we should note that the administrative and accounting costs for natural gas will be significantly higher than it is for oil. Which is not the case currently with the use of overhead allowances. The capital used in the development of the Joint Operating Committee will be amortized on a reasonable basis to ensure that the industries investors are provided with a good return on their investment, and a return of their investment. This accounting and administration will be consistent and standardized across the industry through our service producers. A necessity in terms of establishing a fair and reasonable means of production allocation, the precursor to production discipline.
Production discipline can only be attained by reorganizing the industry and the individual producers in the manner specified in the Preliminary Specification. Stripping the prototypical oil and gas producer down to the C class executives, their earth science and engineering resources, some land and legal, and some support staff. The remainder of the administrative and accounting people are then allocated to service providers who are focused on an individual process and use the industry as their client base. This configuration enables the producer to shut-in any unprofitable production with the effect of having all of the costs associated with that Joint Operating Committee, including administration and accounting costs, not being incurred while the property is shut-in. The Preliminary Specification does two fundamental things. It makes all of the producers costs variable. And converts the producers administrative and accounting capabilities into the industries administrative and accounting capabilities. Obtaining significant benefits for the individual producer and the industry as a whole. The producer themselves will no longer be involved in the need to develop their administrative and accounting capabilities. Tasks that are consuming the profits of most firms. Having the unprofitable properties shut-in will increase their overall profits by not diluting their profitable properties. Shutting-in unprofitable properties will also remove the marginal production from the commodity marketplace which will increase commodity prices. And the reserves of the producer will be saved for a time when they can be produced profitably.
To make these structural changes to the producer and industry, and to make them stick requires that we build the software that defines and supports these organizations. Software plays an enhanced role in society today. To undertake these change in the software first is necessary before the actual changes are undertaken. We have to deliberately move in the direction that we want to as an industry from now on. We are not just aimlessly developing as individual organizations as we have in the past. Spontaneous order, the economic concept that has served us well for over 100 years has ceased to be effective. It has been replaced by the concrete that software turns our organizations into. You can not change an organization today unless you change the software first and foremost. That is one of the critical reasons that the industry needs to adopt the Preliminary Specification and acquire the long term software development capabilities of People, Ideas & Objects. To ensure that the producers can continually meet the dynamic environment of the industry.
It is for these reasons that the integrated producers need People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers as much as we need them. They can’t do it alone, just as none of the other producers are able to do it alone.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.