"Implementing Effective Cost Control"
It’s 2015, is this the appropriate manner in which to operate the oil and gas industry? How is it that the service industry is able to innovate and provide for the ability to develop the technologies that producers are so dependent upon? Technologies such as horizontal drilling, multi-stage fracing, or to pick just one company Packers Plus. Based on the history of Packers Plus and my own here at People, Ideas & Objects. The declaration of war against the bureaucrats in oil and gas is a necessity. You really are treated like garbage if you have an idea. That’s because ideas belong to the oil and gas industry. In the bureaucrats mind that is. For you to secure an idea outside of the “legitimate” areas of ownership leads to punishment until one side in your war wins. This is how the industry is operated, surely no one believes the producers are actively working hand in hand with the service industry to develop new products and innovations? That’s a hollywood fiction.
It was Encana, the large Canadian natural gas producer that was calling the service industry lazy and greedy when prices were high. That was back when Encana’s stock was in the $90 range. With the recent announcement of their losses in their second quarter report. Their stock is performing well at around $7.50 but all of this decline has been attributable to the 1,400 people that they've laid off and the fact that the service industry is greedy and lazy. A company that has lost 90% of its market cap is a real life zombie. Two more years and they will be in receivership, with their assets picked away at by crow’s looking for a deal.
The fact is the service industry needs to be able to rely on the oil and gas industry for their revenues. In order for the service industry to perform in the best interests of the oil and gas industry, those revenues need to be stable and secure. The fact that oil and gas is a primary industry means that the responsibility for this falls on them. After all they are wholly dependent on the service industry and you do reap what you sow. This is the manner that the Preliminary Specification deals with the difficulties that we face in the future. The Research & Capabilities and Resource Marketplace modules provide for this environment to be created and managed. Is it so unreasonable, in this day and age. To expect that the producers will control themselves and not overproduce. By implementing the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model they can do this. And make the prices that are necessary to support both industries in an appropriate manner.
As it stands now, with this downturn, people are leaving oil and gas and the related service industry for good. They've seen the character of the bureaucrats before and know that this downturn will be no different. What will be different is their actions. Instead of waiting for the next upturn. They're going to take what they may have been able to secure and are moving on to some other more secure industry. This is happening wholesale in the service industry, and to the people who work in oil and gas. Many of which I know are burnt to the core. Add on top of this the fact that the bureaucrats, when faced with the results of their own stupidity, always hightail it to greener pastures and you have to ask yourself. What and who are left?
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.