Our Solution Part XIV
There are limited numbers of earth science and engineering resources available at any time in the industry. With the demands of more science and engineering effort per barrel of oil, these demands will not subside anytime soon. It is therefore necessary to resolve this mid to long term shortfall with the tools of specialization and the division of labor. That way more throughput can be achieved from the same resource. There are also demands for these resources from the way in which the producers are structured. Each producer firm is attempting to build the capabilities necessary to fulfill their commitments at any and all times. This requires them to cover off the entire scope and scale of earth science and engineering needs within the organization. With any further specialization and division of labor within the sciences and engineering professions themselves. The scope and scale of the demands on the producer to obtain and maintain their capabilities in the manner that they do today may exceed what is commercially obtainable. The size of their teams will exceed their budget capabilities. Therefore specialization within the producer firm itself is not an option.
However specialization and the division of labor when applied across the industry is able to solve this issue. What the issue is is that each producer has unused surplus capabilities resident within their organizations. These are used for just in time instances where a specific properties demands for resources may peak. Taken across the industry these unused surplus capabilities incur substantial unused and unusable resources. Therefore in addition to specialization and the division of labor being applied within the professions. It is also necessary to apply these principles to the producer firms themselves. Where one producer will specialize in one area and another producer covers off another area. Where the needs of the property can be obtained through a pooling of the capabilities from the members of the Joint Operating Committee. And if there are further shortfalls, other producers who have those capabilities can be hired to fill out those requirements.
This pooling requires that each producer is able to charge their resources to the various joint accounts. And that the producer firm has two distinct sources of revenues. Oil and gas revenues, and revenues from the development and deployment of their capabilities. It will be in this way that the industry can meet the shortfall in these critical professional resources. Specialization and the division of labor are the only proven methods to resolving resource shortfalls. Hoarding these resources within each of the producer firm only leads to further shortfalls on an industry wide basis. As the retirements of the brain trust occurs in these professions. An answer to the way in which the industry will deal with them has to be answered by the ERP system that the industry selects. By designating operatorship to one firm producers have been reliant on other producers capabilities from the beginning of the industry. Few companies will have the budget to fund the scope and scale of an operation that will support the full science and engineering capabilities that will be demanded in the future. The Research & Capabilities and Knowledge & Learning modules are the solutions provided by the Preliminary Specification.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.