Leadership in the User Community Part II
We have consistently asserted that we provide greater value to the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer over what the bureaucracy is providing today. Our focus on developing the user community, its leadership and the associated service providers is our primary task in the next five years. We do this as we are striving to provide an alternative means of organization to the oil and gas industry. So that the oil and gas investor, and the people who work in oil and gas can choose the bureaucracy or People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, the user community and service providers as the method to manage their industry. Organizations don't change. Therefore without alternatives we are stuck with the bureaucracy. If we don’t work towards building an alternative, nothing will change. And just as organizations don't change, people do. And this is the place where people can begin the process of changing the oil and gas industry from a tired, poorly performing, muddling along behemoth to a dynamic, innovative and profitable industry.
We have documented within the Preliminary Specification how it provides over $705 billion in opportunity costs over the current bureaucracy. There are additional benefits that are not quantifiable that can be gained from the tools of specialization and the division of labor. It is a new way of operating the oil and gas industry. And as we have stated here before. Even if the bureaucracy could park their own selfish self interest and wanted to proceed with the developments we would not begin until the user community was fully formed. The Preliminary Specification is a fine vision of what the industry can operate as. However without the user communities involvement in the software developments it will be a great vision without the appropriate implementation. There must be strong user community involvement in the software development of the Preliminary Specification. It is mandatory, and as I have pointed out the user communities development is our current number one priority for the next five years. We have set this long time frame as we are without the support of the industry. The bureaucracy are challenged by the Preliminary Specification. They are eliminated from the landscape by it and therefore don’t want to be part of it. Therefore they will not support us. And therefore we have to build the user community brick by brick and stick by stick. And that takes time.
We have set out the 28 leadership positions of the user community that we are actively seeking to recruit today. These people will form the leadership team and help to develop the user community over these next few years. In preparing an offering for people to make a decision to go with our solution. And what that is qualitatively and quantitatively is unknown and unknowable at this time. We need to figure that out. We have however proven that we provide substantial value over the status quo. And the logic is compelling. People can see where and how they fit in within the industry quickly and begin to effectively and efficiently do their job. Using the Joint Operating Committee is a very natural way of organizing the oil and gas industry.
What compels someone to even think that we need to develop an alternative to the current way things are done. I don't know, and as I have indicated this has been a long term prospect for me. What I do know is that it doesn't sound so crazy anymore. Industry after industry is being disintermediated by Information Technology. And that is what we are doing here with the Preliminary Specification. And it is timely from a business point of view. The prolific nature of shale reserves is demanding a new business model be generated for the oil and gas industry. A business model that deals with the resource abundance and price destroying nature of producers producing unprofitable production. A business model that deals with allocating production fairly, based on profits and doesn’t harm a producer with shut in production with excessive G&A costs. A business model like the Preliminary Specification supported by the user community and the service providers.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.