Service Providers for Earth Science and Engineering
The source of the issue is the manner in which each producer is building their earth science and engineering capabilities. Just as in the administrative and accounting areas none of these resources are shareable between the producers. Each producer is building unique capabilities for just in time deployment for any of the properties they are responsible for. This generates unused and unusable earth science and engineering capabilities that are trapped within each producer firm. Looked at from an industry wide point of view these trapped resources are substantial.
The solution is to use specialization and the division of labor to free up the trapped unused and unusable resources in each producer firm. Instead of each firm generating the capabilities to meet the demands of all of their properties. They focus on key competitive specializations in the earth science and engineering areas. They also coordinate with working interest partners who are able to bring other specialized capabilities on an as needed basis. If any additional capabilities are required they can bring those in from the Resource Marketplace module.
It is there in the Resource Marketplace module that specialization and the division of labor have enabled a marketplace for the generic earth science and engineering tasks. A place where the majority of the day to day technical work can be completed on behalf of the producer or Joint Operating Committee. This enabling the specialization that the producer firm is able to undertake. This specialization and the sourcing of other specializations from working interest partners and the marketplace are how the Preliminary Specification eliminates the trapped resources within the producer firm. And how the unused and unusable resources are freed up on an industry wide basis to be used on a shared basis throughout the industry.
Providing the capabilities for all that is required of a producer within the domain of a producer will become increasingly more difficult as time passes. As the excessive demands of these professions continue, the need to specialize and divide the labor further, within the producer firm itself, will require the producer to have such a broad scope of earth science and engineering operations as to be uneconomic no matter how large the production base. This “hoarding” mentality, that it has to be done from within the organization, is quickly becoming unfeasible, if it already hasn’t. People, Ideas & Objects suggest it is the source of the shortfall in these resources today.
The solution in the Preliminary Specification, although controversial is the only reasonable approach to dealing with the problems of an industry that is accelerating in terms of its scientific basis. Specialization on key determinants will be the differentiators that earn the producer profits that they desire. Continuing to “hoard” these resources will only lead to further difficulties for all producers as the demand for the resource base escalates.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.