The Business of the Oil and Gas Business
If we look at the industry from the point of view of its needs in the next 30 years, and particularly from the perspective of its business needs. The Preliminary Specification provides the means in which to organize and focus on the business of the oil and gas business. Whether that is being more innovative in the areas of earth science or engineering, being more profitable, or structuring the industry to be more efficient and effective. The vision that is expressed in the Preliminary Specification provides these attributes for the industry to pursue over the next three decades.
The investment community has therefore a vested interest in pursuing the development of the Preliminary Specification initiative put forward by People, Ideas & Objects. Its focus on the business provides the owners of the industry with the proper perspective, scope and scale to deal with the issues and opportunities that today’s oil and gas industry presents. And with the software development capabilities that are provided by People, Ideas & Objects the industry will be able to continue to develop the software to meet the issues and opportunities that the future holds. If the opportunity costs for one year were $67.4 billion what will they be for 30 years if the investors don’t act to establish this perspective for their industry. Trillions of dollars in value could be realized by removing the bureaucracy from their comfortable and destructive positions.
Assertion of the business perspective throughout this period should be of primary concern to the oil and gas investor. We see today large portions of the oil and gas industry regulated and controlled by governments. In Canada the development of pipelines has been conceded by the producers to their governments. The firms bureaucrat’s only concern themselves with producing facilities, pipelines are for someone else to figure out. Canadian producers are now realizing the large differentials in pricing as a result of their foolish capitulation of their business perspective to the governments. And that may not be the end of the governments involvement. What if the governments get wise to the power of software to organize key elements of an industry. And decide to develop software for the oil and gas industry that controls the emissions of CO2 as the key criteria, as opposed to the business perspective proposed here by People, Ideas & Objects.
As I mentioned a few days ago there is a revolution to be undertaken in the industry. The investors need to remove the bureaucrats and replace them with the software and business model that is expressed in the Preliminary Specification. They need to do so for their own self interests. After all what good will a bureaucrat provide in 5 years, or 25 years. The time to act is now.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.