Natural Gas Issues and Vested Pensions
These last few posts have allowed us to soar with the eagles and present the scope of the issues the oil and gas industry faces today. With Friday’s discussion of $64.7 billion in opportunity costs, and yesterday’s topic of revolutionary change, who could be against this project? The bureaucracy is standing in the way and is doing all that it can to ensure that it does not proceed. But let’s take it from their point of view, $64.7 billion in opportunity costs and revolutionary opportunities is nothing that should concern them. Their pensions are vested. They earn a decent if not spectacular salary that provides them with the opportunity to do everything they can think they want to do. The work that they do piles up on the left hand side of the desk in the morning. And in the afternoon it is collected from the bin on the right hand side of the desk. All is well and the only concern they have is with talk of doing things in different ways.
If the bureaucracy was asked to live off their pension as an alternative to dealing with the issues that are prevalent in the oil and gas industry, they would. Its only that they aren’t being asked to deal with these issues, and the game is still pretty easy so they’ll hang around before they shift to their pensions. I think “milking it for all its worth” is the appropriate term. After the natural gas prices were down for two years you would think there was some serious discussion as to the issue and possibly some discussion as to a solution. However, not a word. In what way is this acceptable? Let me be clear this is not by accident that its happening. Everyone knows that there’s overproduction. This is deliberate willful neglect.
But on the other hand what should we expect. We know that bureaucracies are leaderless. And its leadership that we need. The solution provided by the Preliminary Specification is the only solution that is offered in the marketplace. It enables the innovative and profitable oil and gas producer to remove their marginal oil and gas production from the marketplace through a variety of interfaces within the software. The first is the Marginal Production Threshold Interface. It allows the members of the Joint Operating Committee, who hold the operational decision authority, to make the decision to suspend production when the costs exceed the prices being realized.
The other aspects of the Preliminary Specification that make it the ideal choice for the market, where shale reservoirs are as prolific as they are, is in its use of the Decentralized Production Model. By stripping the producer firm down to the C class executives, the earth science and engineering resources, some support and legal staff. And organizing the remaining resources in service providers who are focused on processes across the industry. We can take advantage of the specialization and division of labor to make those processes as efficient and effective as possible. Then as the production, revenue and royalty accounting and lease rental and other processes are incurred by those service providers the charges for those services are charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee that the asset belongs to. That way when there is a time when the marginal cost exceeds the price realized and the partnership decides to suspend production then the overhead charges from the service providers are not incurred.
You can hear the bureaucracy screaming with indignation. My attitude towards them is similar to their attitude towards the issues in the industry. I don’t care. Their opportunity to offer solutions and deal with the problems has expired and as they say “they blew it.” They don’t have much credibility if you ask me. So I’ll continue on and I’m sure they will keep collecting that salary for a few more months, knowing that their future is set with their vested pensions.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.