The Preliminary Specification Part CCLXXXIV (RM Part XXXVII)
We now turn to our fifth or Oracle pass through the Resource Marketplace module of the Preliminary Specification. I thought for today we would review some of the highlights of the Resource Marketplace as it stands so far. The Resource Marketplace module being the first of three marketplace modules incorporates the “Marketplace Interface” that is a key component of how people interact and collaborate within the People, Ideas & Objects applications. We didn’t discuss at any length the “Marketplace Interface” in the Resource Marketplace module in previous passes. I think however that it is well understood how the interactions would come about in the Resource Marketplace module. There are the Petroleum Lease and Financial Marketplace modules that document the “Marketplace Interface” extensively and you should review those posts if you need to source further information on the topic.
The first interface that was introduced was the “Actionable Information Interface”. We spoke briefly about this a few days ago in the Security & Access Control module with respect to reviewing the Oracle product Oracle Internet Directory. The “Actionable Information Interface” captures the ideas that are generated from the oil & gas and service industries participants in their most basic form. That is to say that “as a firm” they are looking in the next few months to expand, acquire, participate etc in expanding, investing, increasing their capabilities in a certain area... From there this information is searchable from the rest of the industry representatives and are able to determine what they might be able to provide or participate with a firm in a similar situation. With the distance between firms problems and the solutions to those problems being so much harder to find, having this type of information is the very beginning of innovation. It will be the first who sees the problem, whether that is as of a direct request in the “Actionable Information Interface” or as a result of reviewing over 200 individual entries.
The “Supplier Collaborative Interface” enables the producer and supplier to work through the product and service nuances they are having with a supplier in an open forum. Providing the industry a source of learning. Instead of the supplier having to deal with each producer as an individual case through email, they have a public database of information of how their technology is implemented and used within the field. These databases / wikis are able to provide the customers with valuable information about the product before, during and after the sale. It is incumbent on the supplier that they maintain and participate actively in the databases to ensure that the messages are clear and the communication to the customer is being heard. Alternatively producers have a means of ensuring that marketing claims are valid and the service and support are as advertised.
We also started the discussion of making the necessary changes from the “High Throughput Production” model to the “Decentralized Production” model. It is particularly important to the Resource Marketplace module as that is where the suppliers and vendors are located. By adopting the “Decentralized Production” model the production and overhead costs are matched to the production and revenues. Without any production, production and overhead costs are reduced to zero in the Decentralized Production model. These overhead costs include the accounting, production administration and exploration administration costs to name just a few. What this enables us to do is to exploit the full value of the division of labor and standardization. That is by spinning out of the producer firm the production accounting, production administrator and other roles to service providers. These non-core services can be effectively done by entrepreneurial firms organized more efficiently to provide the industry with better service.
Consistent with the need to increase the division of labor and specialization we have developed within the Resource Marketplace module the “Gap Filling Interface”. As we have learned the division of labor is expanded by a process of “gap” filling. Therefore having an interface where producers and service industry representative can both identify and resolve each other's “gaps” then the beginnings of the division of labor is identified.
It was during the Preliminary Research Report that I coined the phrase that “SAP is the bureaucracy.” Nothing turns your organization into cement like a good old fashioned SAP install. What the innovative oil and gas producer needs is an organization that will remain open and flexible to innovation, and that demands a software development capability like that proposed here by People, Ideas & Objects. If we want an innovative oil and gas industry then the first thing we should do is ensure that we have the capability to maintain that organizational flexibility. The flexibility necessary to ensure that we do not constrain ourselves unnecessarily, and define and support the behavior that we desire. This is the role of software in the 21st century.
What we expect to gain from the review of the Oracle products in the Resource Marketplace module and the rest of the Preliminary Specification is simple. To put some substance to the Preliminary Specification from the point of view of the generic ERP systems requirements. Using the Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications will provide a strong foundation for the innovative oil and gas industry.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.
Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle (private circle, accessible by members only) and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification.