The Preliminary Specification Part XXXIII (R&C Part I)
The last thing that we want to do in the Security & Access Control module is to make it difficult for people to collaborate. Innovation is about ideas, and the free flow of ideas is the point of our next two modules review. Making it difficult for people to access the system should not be the result of all of these security requirements. People and Ideas once authorized and authenticated should be able to complete their work, not be involved in mindless security or access control warnings.
We now move on to the Research & Capabilities module of the Preliminary Specification. This is a dual specification module in that it shares strong similarities with the Knowledge & Learning module. The difference is that the Research & Capabilities is a firm, or producer, facing module and the Knowledge & Learning module is a Joint Operating Committee module. The best way to think of these modules is that they are “marketplace” modules. The Research & Capabilities module looks at the producer firm in the context of the greater oil and gas industry from the point of view of a market.
This module is difficult to conceptually understand as it is not in practical use in oil and gas today. If we think that the Joint Operating Committee is the day to day operation of the oil and gas producer. The Knowledge & Learning module will provide a means in which the producers will be able to optimize the earnings of the JOC. The Research & Capabilities should therefore be seen as the means in which a producer can exercise long term value accretion from the firm. The firm of course being a holding of many JOC’s.
The Research & Capabilities module provides a window on the producer firm that is above the noise of the day to day. One that provides the user with the ability to see where the value may be added to the firm. This module moves the work that people are doing away from recording transactions. The management science falls into the category of "interactions" which includes transactional, tacit knowledge, and transformational activities of the producer, its partners and the vendors or marketplace. The Preliminary Specification deals with the automation of transactions to free up the resources of the firm and market. The generation and application of ideas is the area that the innovative energy producer needs to have their resources spending most of their time. The producers will use the Research & Capabilities and Knowledge & Learning modules to obtain windows on these activities.
In the future we need to concern ourselves with the kind of work that computers can’t do. These modules are involved in these new "types" of jobs that humans can do far better then computers. Making judgments, based on good data and information, and deciding on the best course of action. The scope of the application module is unlimited. The proprietary data and information that is accessible by the users of these modules would limit their use to a handful of senior individuals within the firm. However, that does not preclude them from receiving the full scope of engineering resources in terms of software developments. I could see substantial value being developed through the intuitions being confirmed in these applications modules.
What the People, Ideas & Objects application does for the producer firm is align the Joint Operating Committee’s legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic frameworks with the hierarchies compliance and governance frameworks. This alignment provides new synergies in terms of operational performance in both the Joint Operating Committee and the producer firm. It also provides increases in the speed, innovativeness and accountability of both the firm and JOC. The Research & Capabilities module will be able to monitor and control these frameworks to see where the value can be gained and is maybe being lost. As we move away from the hierarchy this will be the tool that provides the window on “what” and “how” the transition will best be done. This is what I think will be one of the first uses of the tool.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.
Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification.