Langlois, Innovation Process Part I
Key to the success of the Draft Specification is the understanding of what the innovative oil and gas producers competitive advantages are. These are simply the unique asset base they hold and the direct application of the earth science and engineering capabilities available to them. It is considered that some of the engineering and earth scientists would be directly employed by the producer firms, however, there would be a pooling of these resources by the producers represented in the Joint Operating Committee (JOC). This pooling would be augmented by the service industries and a capability resident in the SKIE or ID in the local, regional, national and international communities.
Within an innovative oil and gas industry things will need to change based on the development and understanding of the sciences. Development, identification and analysis of this dynamic capability is what is being discussed in this paper by Professor's Robertson, Jacobson and Langlois.
Typically the Third Italy is dominated by production occurring in industrial districts. The districts are geographically defined productive systems, characterized by a large number of firms that are involved at various stages, and in various ways, in the production of a homogeneous product. A significant feature of industrial districts is that a very high proportion of firms within them are small. A characteristic of the industrial district is that it should be conceived as a social and economic whole. In industrial districts, social institutions are as important as economic. From Dansen and Whittam glossary of terms.I am familiar with the Italian sun-glass manufacturers "Industrial District". It is in a region of Italy where the population of small towns are organized in a manner described in the definition. Most of the manufacturers and parts suppliers are working out of modified garages in their homes. The article that I read reflected that this enabled the Italians to focus on design and why they are regarded as the top designers.
1. Introduction.
Innovation is based on the generation, diffusion, and use of new knowledge. p. 1An appropriate comment and one that brings to mind the difficulties in achieving this within the oil and gas industry. Geography, the different professions involved, the complexity of the business of oil and gas, and the capability of the systems that support the business have to be built to accommodate innovation. What I see is these local, regional, national and international ID's all learning and applying the knowledge that is developed and made available. These ID's are a critical resource that are available to the JOC's and are the means in which knowledge is generated and diffused as innovation.
While it is possible to conceive of a firm that is so hermetic in its use of knowledge that all stages of innovation, including the combination of old and new knowledge, rely exclusively on internal sources, in practice most innovations involving products or processes of even modest complexity entail combining knowledge that derives, directly or indirectly, from several sources. Knowledge generation, therefore, must be accompanied by effective mechanisms for knowledge diffusion and for "indigenizing" knowledge originally developed in other contexts and for other purposes so that it meets a new need. p. 1What more could be necessary then the generation and diffusion of new knowledge in the oil and gas industry. This is why the Joint Operating Committee takes on an enhanced role in this systems development, and why the innovative oil and gas producer needs these systems. You can't get there, to an innovative footing, from where the industry stands today. The primary focus of this software development is to enable the innovation that is necessary for the industry to meet the needs of the energy consumer. And that is simply through enhancing the knowledge, understanding, and use of ideas, a community of people focused on solving the difficult issues associated with the oil and gas business.
When accompanied by close social relationships, tight geographical proximity may affect innovation in ways that are less common in more highly dispersed environments. For example, an awareness of common problems can encourage several firms, or their suppliers and customers, to seek solutions, leading to multiple results that can be tested competitively in the market. These outcomes can then be relatively easily diffused among firms in the Industrial Districts (ID) because of embeddedness in a common environment. The obverse of this commonality of inspiration and ease of transmission of knowledge, however, may be an inordinately inward focus that results in an ignorance of or disdain for innovation processes in other regions or in industries not represented in the ID. Furthermore, there may be a relationship between the degree of embeddedness in the industrial district and innovation. It has been suggested that innovation increases as embeddedness increase up to a point, and that beyond that point further embeddedness results in reduced innovation performance at the firm level (Uzzi, 1997; Boschma, 2005). Thus, depending on circumstances, participation in an industrial district can either encourage or impeded innovation. pp. 1- 2
Our appeal should be based on these eight "Focused on" priorities and values of how better the oil and gas industry and its operations could be handled. They may not initially be the right way to go, but we are committed to working with the various communities to discover and ensure the right ones are. If your an enlightened producer, an oil and gas director, investor or shareholder, who would be interested in funding these software developments and communities, please follow our Funding Policies & Procedures, and our Hardware Policies & Procedures. If your a government that collects royalties from oil and gas producers, and are concerned about the accuracy of your royalty income, please review our Royalty Policies & Procedures and email me. And if your a potential user of this software, and possibly as a member of the Community of Independent Service Providers, please join us here.
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