Three weeks left...
That is we have three weeks left in our 2010 budget drive. We still have no commitments, funding or support of any kind. It was an objective of this funding drive to provide evidence to the directors, shareholders and investors of oil and gas that the management are too conflicted to support these developments. Again, the evidence is in. Management have done everything in their power to ensure these development don't happen.
Our appeal to the shareholders and investors is to bring about a competitive means of organizing the oil and gas industry. Just as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brother's managements didn't provide an alternative for their shareholders, I hope to appeal to the shareholders in oil and gas firms.
I believe there is a far bigger issue at play in the oil and gas industry in comparison to the banking industry. No one is missing either Bear Stearns or Lehman. Other then the shareholders that is. In oil and gas the economy is the direct benefactor of the energy the industry produces. We have documented here many times the calculation of 18,000 man hours of effort that is offset by each barrel of oil. By not having those barrels freely available to the consumer denies the full potential of our market economies.
This isn't the role or responsibility of the management of the oil and gas firms. At least that is what they suggest is the case in their version of the market economy. Who's responsibility is it to ensure that markets are well supplied? If the oil and gas producer's are not responsible, who is? At some point the issue of a lack of supply will require an answer. What will the oil and gas industry say at that point?
Last Tuesday I wrote about the use of some of the new mobile devices in making and implementing decisions at the Joint Operating Committee level. I also indicated that Exxon could not provide the marketplace with that type of software offering. If Exxon or any single producer were to provide a software solution like People, Ideas & Objects, it would cede too much information to Exxon or the producer. There are two other points to consider. One is the ability to have all the producers on the same technical capability, and the need to have one software supplier.
The ability to have all the producers representing the JOC using the same software denotes some of the value of using the Cloud Computing model. Accessing the most current version of the software and knowing that everyone else is using the same tools facilitates and enables collaboration and communication. When the application's are also transaction aware and able to manage the business based on the decisions of the JOC, then it can truly begin to optimize the science and engineering innovations.
The second point is how the industry is run today. Multiple vendors each providing one slice of the functionality to some of the producers to the JOC. Others are using other systems that are provided by other vendors who have different technologies and perspectives. Having the virtual meeting that I mentioned, with all of the potential described in Tuesday's blog post, will have to come with 15 IT personnel supporting the interactions and protocols. Good luck.
The need for one software development capability should be clear to readers of this blog. I have used the Intellectual Property developed in my research and this blog to concentrate these software developments to mitigate the issues in the energy industry. The use of Cloud Computing and the potential ease-of-use between producer firms requires one ERP solution provider.
March 31, 2010 is the deadline for raising our 2010 operating budget. After which a variety of consequences, such as financial penalties and a loss of one years time will occur. Our appeal should be based on the 26 compelling reasons of how better the oil and gas industry and its operations could be handled. They may not be the right way to go, but we are committed to working with the various communities to discover and ensure the right ones are.
If your an enlightened producer, an oil and gas director, investor or shareholder, who would be interested in funding these software developments and communities, please follow our Funding Policies & Procedures, and our Hardware Policies & Procedures. If your a government that collects royalties from oil and gas producers, and are concerned about the accuracy of your royalty income, please review our Royalty Policies & Procedures and email me. And if your a potential user of this software, and possibly as a member of the Community of Independent Service Providers, please join us here.
Technorati Tags: People's Budget Funding Governance Leadership