Perez Technological Revolutions III
Part three of our review of Professor Carlota Perez' "Technological Revolutions and Techno-Economic Paradigms" focuses on the organization. People, Ideas & Objects are building software that aligns the compliance sub-frameworks and governance frameworks of the hierarchy, with the five frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee. The hierarchy represents the Tax, Royalty and SEC sub-frameworks. These sub-frameworks are being moved to the Joint Operating Committee to align with the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural and communication frameworks of all producers. This alignment eliminates the need for the hierarchy and its very ugly cousin the bureaucracy. In addition the Military Command & Control Metaphor is used to replace the governance framework of the hierarchy.
This alignment of the oil and gas firm and market frameworks, around the Joint Operating Committee, is a common-sense proposal that strikes everyone with the "but of course" response.
7. The emergence of a techno-economic paradigm
It is clear in my mind that I believe the Information & Communication Technology Revolution (ICTR) will have a remarkable impact on productivity in oil and gas. This is however, not a shared belief.
No matter how important and dynamic a set of new technologies may be, it only merits the term revolution if it has the power to bring about a transformation across the board. It is the techno-economic paradigm (TEP), being articulated through the use of the new technologies as they diffuse, that multiplies their impact across the economy and eventually also modifies the way socio-institutional structures are organised. p. 194In Professor Perez' writings it is explicit that the reason for these transitions from one organizational structure to the next is due to competition. The competition coming from the new technologies applied to existing industries. For example, the age of steel enabled new ship builders with larger hulls and faster speeds to eliminate the needs for boat makers based on wood and other materials.
7.3 New organizational models
The alignment that is being captured in the People, Ideas & Objects software would not be possible ten years ago. It probably is only attainable with the tools and architecture that is available today in the Oracle technology stack. The Joint Operating Committees have existed "virtually" as a means for companies to deal with the unique characteristics of the partnerships represented. To move the industry to this new method of organizational structure is only possible with the demand for more efficient systems.
Finally, the TEP incorporates the criteria for best organisational practice. As the new technologies transform work and consumption patterns, they also transform the way factories and businesses are organised. Regular practice in the use of these technologies and in relating to the new conditions in the market contributes to the establishment of new principles of organisation that prove superior to the previous and become part of the new common sense for efficiency and effectiveness. P. 197A common sense for the industry to move from the Joint Operating Committee being virtual to more tangible, focused and innovative. Two of the primary benefits of this transition is the alignment of operational decision making with the compliance framework. Achieving for the first time in oil and gas, direct accountability. This has the secondary follow on effect of identifying who within the organization is continually making the same mistakes and who is building the value. It is critical for an innovative producer to have these attributes, and it is clear why the bureaucracy has fought so hard to eliminate People, Ideas & Objects from the marketplace.
In each case, the paradigm shift in organisational and business logic becomes widespread and modifies business models and strategies so that the ones that are more compatible with the general logic of the new paradigm prove to be more successful, become highly visible and are increasingly imitated. Thus the TEP is further enriched and the process is self-reinforced. P. 198What the bureaucracy should consider. Is now the time when this common sense organizational construct, the Joint Operating Committee, be supported and defined in the software of People, Ideas & Objects, based on the Oracle technology stack, with the dynamics of the high-cost era of energy upon us, and the associated disruption of the financial markets defining a new world order? Is this the time that the bureaucracy should stand and fight for its turf, or concede and actively support this software development project?
A techno-economic paradigm is, then, the result of a complex collective learning process articulated in a dynamic mental model of the best economic, technological and organisational practice for the period in which a specific technological revolution is being adopted and assimilated by the economic and social system. Each TEP combines shared perceptions, shared practices and shared directions of change. Its adoption facilitates the achievement of the maximum efficiency and profitability and its diffusion provides a common understanding among the different agents that participate in the economy, from producers to consumers. P. 198We will know the answer to these questions by March 31, 2010. The deadline in which the 2010 Budget & Planning commitments are due. People, Ideas & Objects are based on such a radically effective value proposition that the bureaucracies determination that no, this is not the time, should be seriously questioned as to who the bureaucracy works for.
8. Diffusion, resistance and assimilation of successive techno-economic paradigms
This conflict between People, Ideas & Objects and the reigning bureaucracy has continued unabated since September 2003. The time in which the proposed research be undertaken. Much has happened to make the research valid and the timing has turned in People, Ideas & Objects favor. Professor Perez suggests diplomatically this "organizational inertia" is at a cross roads as well.
Organisational inertia is a well known phenomenon of human and social resistance to change. In the market economy, however, inertia is overcome by competition, which, by showing the direction of success, serves as a guide to best practice and as a survival threat to the laggards. p. 198This "survival threat" is a business issue that the oil and gas investor and shareholder should assess in the current market. Is the cost of supporting the software developments of People, Ideas & Objects worth the alternative means of organizing your oil and gas assets?
Even in the economy, under the pressure of competition, the profound and wide-ranging changes made possible by each technological revolution and its techno-economic paradigm are not easily assimilated; they give rise to intense resistance and require bringing forth even stronger change-inducing mechanisms. It is the younger generation that never learned the practices of the previous paradigm that most naturally adopts and applies the new principles. p. 199It brings me great pleasure to be legitimately offering this opportunity. An opportunity that has far reaching consequences for all involved. What will the markets decisions be on or before March 31, 2010?
Eventually, the new TEP becomes the shared, established and unquestioned ‘common sense’ both in the economy and in the socio-institutional framework creating a clearly biased context in favour of the trajectories of the technologies of the revolution and their use across the economy. This adaptation generates externalities that operate as an inclusion–exclusion mechanism to encourage compatible innovations and discourage incompatible ones. This is an important part of the explanation of why change occurs by revolutions. Thus, techno-economic paradigms act as context shapers in favour of one revolution and—through over-adaptation—as hindrance and obstacle for the next. p. 199The word revolution never had so much meaning as it does in this context.
Hence, each great surge of development involves a turbulent process of diffusion and assimilation. The major incumbent industries are replaced as engines of growth by new emerging ones; the established technologies and the prevailing paradigm are made obsolete and transformed by the new ones; many of the working and management skills that had been successful in the past become outdated and inefficient, demanding unlearning, learning and relearning processes. Such changes in the economy are very disturbing of the social status-quo and have each time accompanied the explosive growth of new wealth with strong polarising trends in the income distribution. These and other imbalances and tensions resulting from the technological upheaval—including a major financial bubble and its collapse (Perez, 2009)—end up creating conditions that require an equally deep transformation of the whole institutional framework. It is only when this is achieved and the enabling context is in place that the full wealth-creating potential of each revolution can be deployed. p. 1999. Putting everything together: Regularities, continuities and discontinuities in technical change
One of the more refreshing attributes of Professor Perez' writings, is it just writes itself.
The vehicle of that wide-ranging change of direction in innovation is the techno-economic paradigm, which is a best practice model gradually emerging from practical experience in applying the new technologies. It indicates the optimal, most effective and most profitable way of making use of the new innovative potential. Each TEP articulates a basic set of principles that serves as an envelope encompassing the trajectories of individual technologies and shaping their preferred direction. The TEP propagates together with the new technologies producing the surge of development. Its influence extends from the business sphere to institutions and society so that, as its adoption advances, it becomes the shared common sense for decision making in management, engineering, finance, trade and consumption. This new logic and its capacity to increase effectiveness and efficiency eventually also shape institutional and social organisations, expectations and behaviours. p. 200And this next paragraph has been a guiding principle to ensuring that the flexible framework for this revolution is enabled in the People, Ideas & Objects application and communities.
The mutual adaptation of technology and society through the social learning of the paradigm and the adaptive redesign of the institutional framework enables reaping the maximum benefit from the wealth creating potential contained in each great surge. But,when this potential is exhausted and a new revolution begins to emerge, those embedded habits and institutions act as a powerful inertial force and must be transformed to enable the next surge. This understanding of the influence of technical change on long term economic growth is one of the key contributions of evolutionary economics to the comprehension of macroeconomics as dynamic and historically shaped. It is no longer possible to ignore the specific technological revolution being diffused and its stage of deployment. p.200And how pleasant and smooth this entire process can be.
On the view being described here, the notions of long run equilibrium and continuous progress are rejected in favour of more complex processes of overcoming multiple disequilibria originated in massive innovation, in internal differentiation within and between sectors, of creative destruction, assimilation, learning and unlearning successive technological spaces and best practice models and of reaching and overcoming maturity through successive surges of change. The changing rhythms of growth and the processes of structural change and increasing productivity in the economy can now be understood as driven by identifiable technical change and as shaped by the diffusion of successive technological revolutions. p. 200Winners and losers will be assessed on such criteria. Where will the bureaucracy stand on March 31, 2010. Professor Perez reflects that these are not situations that are difficult to see. It is common sense.
Taken together, the micro, meso and macro views of how technologies evolve show that it is possible to recognise the nature of technology, its forms of evolution and its interrelations as an object for social science analysis and as a way of embedding economic theory in the dynamics of its interaction with technology and institutions in a changing historical context. p. 201If your an enlightened producer, an oil and gas investor or shareholder, who would be interested in funding these software developments and communities, please follow our Funding Policies & Procedures and our Hardware Policies & Procedures. If your a government that collects royalties from oil and gas producers, and are concerned about the accuracy of your royalty income, please review our Royalty Policies & Procedures and email me. And if your a potential user of this software, and possibly as a member of the Community of Independent Service Providers, please join us here.
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