Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Innovation through Global Collaboration: A New Source of Competitive Advantage

August 14, 2007

Alan MacCormack, Harvard Business School

Theodore Forbath, Wipro Technologies

Peter Brooks, Wipro Technologies

Patrick Kalaher, Wipro Technologies

This software development projects purpose is to create a transaction supported collaborative environment. The first steps in building this were initiated last month with the decision to use "Google Apps for your Domain." For a small annual fee we provide the user with a comprehensive collaborative platform. Recently CapGemini has announced a deal where they provide the integration of users work environments from Microsoft products to Google's. I think, based on my understanding of collaboration, Google Apps most closely replicate the way that work gets done. I find their product fit and finish as solid as Apple's, the move to Google App's was completely painless and instantaneous.

Why is this product category so important and what is a "transaction supported collaborative environment"? The product category is important because the next level of intellectual and social interaction can be facilitated in the software. So how and who will get the work done are important, but most importantly is that the aggregate intelligence of the group be represented in the actions the software provides. In answer to the second question of what are transaction supported collaborative environments?, well they don't exist yet and that is what I want to start building here for oil and gas. This working paper is available from Harvard Business School and begins the difficult task of identifying the needs of a "transaction supported collaborative environment" and the importance in innovation.


One of the things that I have learned since being heavily exposed to collaborative environments is they are difficult, and the approach is never the same. Just as people are different, each collaboration is. The ability to proceed with preconceived notions just doesn't work. The need to adopt a flexible framework from the beginning and throughout the discussion is mandatory. How is it that collaboration brings the wisdom of the crowds? I think the authors begin to define it in this paper, so lets jump in with a clear definition of how collaboration is beginning to be used in industry.

Instead, innovations are increasingly brought to the market by networks of firms, selected for their unique capabilities, and operating in a coordinated manner. This new model demands that firms develop different skills, in particular, the ability to collaborate with partners to achieve superior innovation performance. Yet despite this need, there is little guidance on how to develop or deploy this ability.
This comment is consistent with the vision of this development project. As I have noted here in my research; the software defines and supports the organization. Before you can make a change it has to be implemented into the software first. Recognizing the JOC as the market structure of the industry will require software to be defined in order to mitigate the detrimental effects and enhance the benefits of collaboration.
This article describes the results of a study to understand the strategies and practices used by firms that achieve greater success in their collaborative innovation effects. We found many firms mistakenly applied an "outsourcing" mindset to collaboration efforts which in turn, led to three critical errors: First, they focused solely on lower costs, failing to consider the broader strategic role of collaboration. Second, they didn't organize effectively for collaboration, believing that innovation could be managed much like production and partners treated like "suppliers." And third, they didn't invest in building collaborative capabilities, assuming that their existing people and processes were already equipped for the challenge. Successful firms, by contrast, developed an explicit strategy for collaboration and made organizational changes to aid performance in these efforts. Ultimately, these actions allowed them to identify and exploit new business opportunities. In sum, collaboration is becoming a new and important source of competitive advantage. We propose several frameworks to help firms develop and exploit this new ability.
Facing "peak oil" the energy industry has no option to dabble in this area. This has to be a concerted effort to make these changes. Success is not an option and the time to change is now.


I have shared my concerns with how the individual companies within the energy industry do not share the sense of urgency or concern for the overall supply of oil. Theirs is a commercial operation that is operating at record profits. The decline in their reserve base and production profile are an inherent part of the business and they are doing just fine. How this system gets built is a question I face every day. Individually, people within the industry comment that the idea of using the JOC is the right thing to do, however, no company will step up and make the first move. Its the worst Mexican standoff anyone could imagine. Irrespective of the reasons regarding innovation and the need for greater speed from an operational point of view. The new technologies are beginning to finally be assembled into their final parts. The capability and comprehensive nature of the offerings are now complete in terms of the needs for a system that is built for the purposes here. And that is the point of the authors in this next section.
This new model is being driven by a series of trends forcing firms to re-think traditional approaches to innovation. First, the complexity of products is increasing, in terms of the number of technologies they include. No longer is it possible for one firm to master all these skills and locate them under one roof. Second, a supply of cheap skilled labor has emerged in developing countries, creating incentives to substitute these resources for higher-cost equivalents. Third, different regions of the world have developed unique skills and capabilities, which leading firms are now exploiting for advantage. And finally, advances in development tools and technology combined with the rise of open architectures and standards have driven down the costs of coordinating distributed work. In sum, collaboration is no longer a "nice to have." It is a competitive necessity.
If peak oil is not a compelling call to action, possibly this technological trend should be.

Collaboration is not "Outsourcing"

I have written extensively about Professor Richard Langlois' theories around the boundaries of the firm. How the natural tendency is to have either the market or the firm be determined and configured to be the means to lower "transaction costs". And how today's Information Technologies can provide for lower transaction costs in a contractual or market environment. The authors provide further justification and clarification of how these changes are strategic and not inappropriate approaches to outsourcing.
Our study revealed dramatic differences in the performance of firms collaboration efforts, driven by contrasting approaches to their management. In particular, many firms mistakenly applied a "production outsourcing" mindset to collaboration, viewing the use of partners only as a means to achieve lower costs through "wage arbitrage" - substituting a US resource with a cheaper one of equivalent skill.
By contrast, successful firms went beyond simple wage arbitrage, asking global partners to contribute knowledge and skills to projects, with a focus on improving their top-line. And they re-designed their organizations, to increase the effectiveness of these efforts.
Managing collaboration the same way a firm handles the outsourcing of production is a flawed approach. Production and innovation are fundamentally different activities - while the former seeks to replicate an existing product at low cost, the other seeks to develop something entirely new and valuable. In addition, outsourcing and collaboration have very different objectives. Outsourcing involves producing a commodity asset or resource at the cheapest prices. Collaboration, by contrast, entails accessing globally dispersed knowledge, leveraging new capability and sharing risk with partners.
Firms which managed collaboration using an "outsourcing" mindset made three critical errors, as compared to more successful organizations:
  • They didn't consider the strategic role of collaboration, but saw it only as a tactic for reducing cost. As a result, their efforts were misaligned with their business strategy.
  • They didn't organize effectively for collaboration. Instead, they treated partners like suppliers of parts or raw materials, and manged them using a procurement function.
  • They didn't make long term investments to develop collaborative capabilities. Instead, they assumed their existing staff and processes could handle the challenge.
In combination, these errors meant firms systematically missed opportunities to use collaboration for competitive advantage. By contrast, successful firms found that attention to these critical areas generated new options to create value that competitors could not replicate. Below, we describe the principles that these latter firms employed.
Develop a Global Collaboration Strategy

A brief summary of where I foresee collaboration being used in the energy industry. The JOC may represent a property in any location, owned by companies registered in different countries and with different product knowledge and capabilities. The pooling of each producer's resources through the collaboration should be the first order of business. Having one company designated as the "operator", I think, is not desirable nor very productive. We see independent silo's representing the capability to conduct operations all around the world. And these capabilities are all duplications of one another and mutually exclusive to the needs of the various JOC's. With the shortfall of engineering and earth scientists in oil and gas, the ability to virtually pool individual resources necessary for the operation, based on the operations need is what the objectives should be. This is in line with the thinking of the authors of this Harvard document. The market of suppliers, vendors and contractors should interact with the JOC to support the operation and implement its plans for the facility or single well. This virtual environment supported and defined by the software, built for the energy industry by its users, and conducts the transaction requirements, the knowledge management and governance of the decisions made by the JOC. This is a very brief summary of this software developments proposal and I would recommend the review of the archives of this blog for further clarification of these ideas. Nonetheless, it is obvious to most that the need to have a purpose built system with a dedicated and focused software development team be deployed to make this application real.

The authors continue with the discussion of how their study reflected on two different strategies towards collaboration. I think it reflects my optimistic view of collaboration being a productive tool for management, and if the management see it as a threat or just another trend to be followed, they may miss many of the benefits.
Collaboration received little senior management attention; when it did, it was because expectations were not being met.
Leading firms, by contrast, developed an explicit strategy for collaboration, designed to support their business goals. In contrast to organizations that viewed collaboration only as a tool for reducing cost, these firms considered a variety of more strategic benefits, in particular, assessing how collaboration could improve their top line through increased product differentiation. Successful organizations achieved this in two ways: first, by leveraging a partner's superior capabilities (i.e., know-how that the firm did not possess internally); and second, by accessing a partners contextual knowledge (i.e., knowledge that the partner possessed by virtue of its local position). In combination, these benefits comprise the "3C's" of a global collaboration strategy.
The authors continue to assert the need for management buy-in. For the energy industry to succeed in this software development proposal there has to be a high level of commitment to it form management. I think the salient warning from CapGemini about these technologies affecting operations today is something management should think clearly about. Are these back door solutions to be stomped out, or should they be welcomed and supported as legitimate methods of achieving the necessary work. I also believe the time for these types of solution to be built and prospectively developed is drawing close. Management needs to get behind this with the long term perspective of developing these types of systems for the next 3 - 4 years.

Lowering R&D Costs
Leading firms however, lowered cost in a different way. Rather than swap one resource for another, they "reconfigured" their operations to optimize performance at the system level. While the decisions they made in isolation, sometimes appeared to add cost, these firms understood the need to change the way they organized to maximize the value of collaborative efforts.

Leveraging Superior Capabilities
Leading firms focused greater attention on how to leverage partner capabilities. We observed two broad types of capability in action: First, the ability to rapidly bring online large amounts of capacity, allowing firms to lower time to market and increase responsiveness, while avoiding the cost of full-time staff; and second, the ability to access unique competencies, technical know-how and / or process expertise that firms did not possess internally. Successful firms sought partners with a blend of both abilities, giving them instant access to a repertoire of skills not available in-house. As one manager recalled, "It takes us nine months to find and hire a new employee. But using our partner, we staffed up in two weeks, accessing a skill that we don't have internally."
Thinking Strategically

Thinking strategically is the point that I have tried to make. Clearly the easy oil is gone. The costs associated to produce one barrel of oil are increasing in lockstep with the costs of discovery. The amount of engineering and earth science effort per barrel of oil has probably doubled in the past 5 years. And it will continue to increase, not decrease over time. With the shortfalls in human resources today, I believe Adam Smith's division of labor theory will provide the additional resources necessary for the industry to deal with the difficult problems ahead. A reorganization around the JOC is 100% in compliance with the cultural framework of the industry. Pooled human resources, supported by markets will provide the productivity increases that Adam Smith's theories provide. A theory which has been proven correct for hundreds of years. This organizational change can not be implemented without the software defining and supporting the industry. Without the software a firm will be relegated to manual systems or loss of the opportunities I just wrote about. These are the associated choices for management today and the point of the authors.
To Illustrate, consider the strategies of two firms - A and B - depicted in Figure 2. Initially, firm B has a dominant position, with lower cost and superior differentiation. But firm A has identified opportunities to improve its position through collaboration. It can move along the horizontal to position C, achieving lower cost, or along the vertical to position D, achieving superior differentiation. Or it can move to position E, which is superior on both dimensions. In essence, collaboration has the potential to move firm A to the "frontier" of the space joining C,D, and E. Contrast this with a firm that views collaboration only as a way to lower cost; this firm sees only one position to move to. While this may be a good choice, this firm does not see that it is not the only choice.
That although I have stated the reorganization to the JOC is consistent with the culture of the industry. The culture of the industry is a very competitive one. The ability to compete and succeed in oil and gas takes a certain capability and understanding that many have stated as being second only to NASA in terms of complexity. From my 30 years experience, I agree. Changing this competitive culture to one of co-opetition or whatever buzz word that comes along will be difficult. In line with this thinking I have suggested that the land base and the companies research and development capabilities are their future competitive assets. Moving to this thinking will take time, and indeed, may never occur. I have placed my investment of time and energy in the idea that the common sense use of the JOC will ultimately prevail, with or without the support of current management. I have an undying faith that the competitive structure of the JOC will accelerate the capacity within the industry to the point where the bureaucracy would otherwise not be capable of competing. The area the authors call E in Figure 2 is where I expect to see the JOC leading the industry.
While successful firms often used different terms to those above, all had developed similar methods to align collaboration efforts to their business strategy. Collaboration received visibility at a senior level, and was an integral part of the strategic-planning process. Increasingly, the focus was not on wage arbitrage, but on using partners to increase business value. these firms grew more sophisticated in the use of collaboration over time; by contrast, poor performers remained stubbornly focused on cost.
Organize for Collaboration

Innovation in oil and gas is a difficult prospect. As I mentioned earlier in this post, the earth sciences and engineering disciplines make the industry second only in complexity to the space industry. There is another element of the complexity that needs to be considered and that is uncertainty. The ability to say unequivocally that this is factual is difficult when your talking about forces several thousand feet below. The uncertainty element invokes the commercial environment on the producer. Then to make things even more difficult the innovation has to be progressive enough to push the science. And as I noted in the plurality writings, there is a strong influence of the science in innovation, which leads to greater understanding and a further development of the science.
The need for a different model can be seen by considering the challenge of partnering along two dimensions: The degree of uncertainty over the product to be produced; and the degree of uncertainty over the process to produce it (see Figure 3). Replicating an existing product (i.e., production) involves little uncertainty while developing a new one (i.e., innovation) is far more uncertain. Similarly, some processes are routine and easily specified whereas others are idiosyncratic and rely on trial and error learning. When firms face little uncertainty on both dimensions - the arena of production outsourcing - traditional models work well, given firms can specify what they want and how it should be made. As uncertainty increases however, a more collaborative approach is needed.
It is at this point that I would also assert that the production process, which is inevitable and in constant decline, adds further uncertainty above and beyond that of the firm. This is why $79 oil seems very cheap to me. The following quotation of the authors provides a good understanding of the work that is done at the Joint Operating Committee. This is how the industry has developed and how it functions. Unfortunately all of the software development projects fail to capture this organization and its role in the day to day operations. This is the business of the business, and due to a number of forces the business of the corporations has become the oil and gas regulatory compliance, tax compliance, SEC compliance and this is where the ERP focus has lead the organizations to focus and consume their time.
Leading firms viewed partners as an extension of their own development organizations, seeking their participation in meetings and including them in internal communication. As part of this philosophy, they required greater continuity in partner staff, in contrast to a transactional model, in which people move in and out of projects. This ensured the "tacit" knowledge of a projects' context was retained, and improved communication between teams. As one manager explained, "It takes time to appreciate the skills of each team member and understand how to work together. When people leave, we have to go through that learning curve again. So we put a premium on ensuring staff continuity".
This focus on the business is where the industry has to move to. Compliance and governance has to be as a result of conducting the business of the business. As simple as that sounds the administration of oil and gas has become completely divorced from the reality of the business. This is primarily the result of the software vendors focus on ensuring the technical accounting and compliance of the firm.

The authors now approach one of the difficult areas of collaboration. Intellectual property (IP) is the source of much value in today's economy. Who owns what and where did it come from are important considerations when the partnership as represented by the Joint Operating Committee is concerned. Traditionally the Chairman of the JOC used his firms resources to operate the programs that were agreed to by the partnership. With the prospective pooling of the technical resources as proposed here, the intellectual property can become problematic. The manner in which IP is managed in this industry is consistent with the keeping of trade secrets. I have noted here before that the stickiness of knowledge moving through the organization is contrasted to the leakiness of knowledge through the various industry related disciplines. If someone discovers something new, it is generally fairly well known on the street in a few weeks. Therefore no one has the right of that property, and most importantly copyright law is designed to disseminate ideas throughout the community as quickly as possible. There needs to be some soul searching as to how firms manage their alleged secrets and the result of their research.
The final area in which firms made different organizational choices was in intellectual property (IP) management. Global partners increasingly develop their own IP - new components, technologies and processes - to improve project performance. Furthermore, collaboration often requires that partners re-use and add to a firms existing IP in the search for new solutions. Given these trends, traditional approaches to IP which assume that a firm must develop, own, protect and isolate its IP are increasingly outdated.
While successful firms in our study differed on the specifics of their IP policies, their actions reflected a common shift in values; towards a more open and flexible approach. these firms sought to leverage partner IP, focusing on the cost and speed advantages, which outweighed the concerns about the need for control. They developed mechanisms for partners to access their own IP, in a way that facilitated collaboration but ensured the protection of competitive assets. And they shared newly developed IP when the firm and its partners could benefit form its application, as long as the uses were not competitive.
Build Collaborative Capabilities.

Collaborative skills are hard to come by without the efforts of many who are willing to contribute and learn. These are standard fare for the process of collaboration and I apply this throughout the industry. The smartest, most educated and most recent additions to the firm are needed to adopt these perspectives. Here the authors begin to identify some of the salient points involved in good collaborative practices.
The final area separating leading firms from others was their willingness to invest in developing "collaborative capabilities." All too often, firms assumed that their existing employees, processes and infrastructure were capable of meeting the challenge of collaboration. But successful collaboration doesn't just happen - it is a skill that must be learned. Rarely do firms get it "right first time." Leading firms recognized this reality and made investments to enhance their performance over time.
Successful firms targeted investments in four areas: people, process, platforms and programs. We call these the "Four Pillars" of collaborative capability (see Figure 4). These investments were typically funded outside the budgets of individual projects, given few projects can justify the levels of infrastructure needed to perform well on their own. In essence, leading firms made a strategic decision to invest in collaborative capabilities, and sought to leverage these investments across projects and over time.
Developing People

My first truly collaborative environment came about in 2000 when I started my on-line MBA. The university had over 1,500 students located throughout the world and closely tied together in a Lotus Notes collaborative environment. It was fascinating to learn so many things about businesses that were in Kuwait, China and even your own province. My perspective changed over the course of three years of study. And I learned to adopt a broader point of view about the contributions that I made. Asking key questions after attempting to learn the unique perspectives of the participants and then attempt to build on the quality and quantity of knowledge held within the diverse groups, were skills that are not easy to come by. The intensity of the learning was heightened as a result of the close collaborations.
Superior performance in collaboration requires people with different skills, given team members often lie outside the boundaries of the firm, are located in far flung countries and have vastly different cultures, The "art" of management in such projects is in finding ways to exert influence over resources not under a firms control. Rather than a focus on deep technical expertise, managers therefore require a much broader skill set, associated with the need to orchestrate and coordinate the work of distributed teams.
I have not been able to specify the manner in which the process of this software development will proceed. Collaboration is a key component, as will software that defines the process and the roles of individuals and companies. The way that the Java Community Process is done is a given as far as I am concerned, however, there are other elements of how things get built that I have to research and determine before we start writing code.
Most projects we observed employed a formal product development methodology based upon a modified "stage-gate" or "waterfall" type process. These processes are increasingly popular ways to ensure greater control and consistency in the execution of projects. But these techniques, and others that share their roots, are often predicated on the assumption of single-site development. There is a need to re-think how they should operate when managing the distribution of work among a team of global partners.
Building platforms

The following in my opinion is a call to action for these types of activities to be conducted, coordinated and implemented on an industry wide basis. Decisions are being made without the input of others to ensure a timely start to these developments. Selecting the Google Apps as the platform to begin the collaboration and develop is a rather obvious choice, particularly when you consider where Google's engineering and innovation may take the product too.
Leading firms developed technology "platforms" to improve the coordination of work. These platforms comprised four main parts: First, development tools and technologies to improve the efficiency of distributed work; second, technical standards and interfaces to ensure the seamless integration of partner outputs; third, rules to govern the sharing of intellectual property among partners; and fourth, knowledge management systems to capture the firms experience on how distributed work is best performed. This collaboration "infrastructure" was leveraged across multiple projects over time. The goal was to promote a long-term view of the assets needed for effective collaboration.
For the risks and errors can be and are very large.
Consider the troubles at Airbus in developing its flagship A380 aircraft. Airbus' German and French partners chose to work with different versions of the Dassualt Systems' Catia design software. But design information in the older systems was not translated accurately into the new new one, which held the "master" version. With a physical mock-up, these problems remained hidden throughout the project. The result: 300 miles of wiring, 100,000 wires and 40,000 connectors that did not fit, leading to a 2 year production delay at a cost of $6bn. Yet the cause of Airbus's problems was not in choosing different versions; rather it lay in the lack of an effective process for dealing with the problems this created.
Managing Programs.

The energy industry has a choice. They can begin serious efforts down this road with the objective of building systems to enhance innovativeness and performance, or continue on in the manner that they currently are. At some point in time someone will realize the intellectual property that I have developed here in this blog is the constructive direction of the industry. If not then we would have the ability to modify it to make that assertion valid.
Successful firms managed their collaboration efforts as a coherent "program," in contrast to organizations which ran each project on a stand-alone basis. A program view was critical given collaboration projects rarely met expectations early on, and performance often deteriorated when the scope of efforts was increased. Leading firms did not differ from others in this respect; but they did differ in the rate at which they improved. Top performers put in place mechanisms to help improve their collaboration skills over time.
A New Source of Competitive Advantage
Firms that devoted attention to the three areas above - strategy, organization and capability development - were more successful in their collaboration efforts. For a few firms in our study however, these efforts not only lent support to their existing business strategies, but also led to new value creation opportunities. Their investments to build capabilities, in turn, created options to pursue strategies that could not be replicated by competitors; especially those that managed collaboration like outsourcing. For these firms, collaboration had become a source of competitive advantage (see Figure5).
In our view, Boeing's source of competitive advantage is shifting; it is less and less related to the possession of deep individual technical skills in hundreds of diverse disciplines. While the firm still possesses such knowledge, this is no longer what differentiates it from competitors such as Airbus, who can access similar capabilities. Rather, Boeing's unique assets and skills are increasingly tied to the way the firm orchestrates, manages and coordinates its network of hundreds of global partners. Boeing's experience is increasingly common across the industries we observed: Collaboration is becoming a new and important source of competitive advantage.

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Photos Courtesy the authors.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A researchers delight.

Google recently upgraded their "Google Books" search and information system. In the past I was able to use an application called "Books" to manage the library of books that I have. How many times I had wished for the ability to search just my books, and only my books. This was a dream that I believed would never be realized, then came Google. Their new product offering does just that, it lets you search the books you loaded into their new "Library" feature of Google Books. Giving you an index of just your books is something that should be in every users tool box.

An added feature of Google Books should be the capability to purchase Books, and maybe just electronic access for a short period of time. Or maybe an overall subscription that provides access to all books. Nonetheless a researchers delight to be sure.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Google and CapGemini in agreement.

As I have indicated here before, "Google Apps for your Domain" is the collaborative environment chosen for Today Google and CapGemini, Ernst and Young's technology division, announced that CapGemini would be supporting users for the use and integration of Google Apps.

CapGemini will be a resource that will be available to help the users of People Ideas and Objects collaborative environment. I look forward to using CapGemini's services in this area.

The warning that CapGemini notes in the announcement, about these collaborative environments being used within a company in an unauthorized manner, is similar to the warning I issued 42 months ago. That port 80 was able to allow these types of applications through the firewall was as big a danger then, as it is now. I can also assure you that when a major accounting firm is announcing the risk, it's too late to do anything about it. And I can certainly provide you with a domain name that is already being used in this manner for oil and gas. ;-)

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Another perspective

The keynote address at the 2007 Influence Conference was presented by ICANN CEO Paul Twomey. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is defined on their website as;

ICANN is responsible for the global coordination of the Internet's system of unique identifiers. These include domain names (like .org, .museum and country codes like .UK), as well as the addresses used in a variety of Internet protocols. Computers use these identifiers to reach each other over the Internet. Careful management of these resources is vital to the Internet's operation, so ICANN's global stake-holders meet regularly to develop policies that ensure the Internet's ongoing security and stability.
ICANN's role is interesting due its focus of being the naming conventions and their assignment. More or less a quasi street light architect / traffic cop. A rather limited role, however, as noted in his keynote; he sought out to provide a number of answers to some important questions regarding the future of the Internet.

Here is a comprehensive summary of Twomey's comments during his keynote.

"While it’s difficult to be definitive about the future, here are some things I think we can expect:"

• Usage of the Internet will be limited only by access to electricity. As many as 3 billion people may be able to enjoy a truly global Internet.
• Many, perhaps most, will access the Internet by using mobile devices.
• We’ll see a very significant increase in broadband access (over 100 mb/sec indeed up to 1 gigabit per second). Many developing countries such as Morocco, China and Malaysia are adopting accelerated broadband distribution programs to deliver the Internet to their citizens.
• A machine-to-machine Internet will overtake today’s person-to-person Internet.
• We will see billions of Internet-enabled appliances at home, at work, in the car, and in the pocket.
• Third parties will use the Internet to monitor all sorts of activities and utilities — from washing machines to cars to electricity meters.
• Geo-location and geo-indexed systems will be much more common and emergency services will be more precisely dispatched.
• There will be significant improvement in spoken interaction with Internet-based systems.
• We will see an even wider array of delivery methods for intellectual property (movies, sound tracks, books, and so on) than is available today. VoIP will be prevalent and SIP may be the principal protocol means by which calls are set up. Voice communication will be essentially free, except perhaps for calls that terminate on traditional PSTN devices including mobiles.
• Almost no industry will be offline since most will rely on the Internet for customer interaction, customer discovery, sales, service, advertising, and similar activities.
• Group interaction and collaborative support tools — including distributed games — will be very common.
• And last but certainly not least, internationalized domain names and new gTLDs will open up the Internet to much more multilingual content.

"What will you be able to do in the future that you can’t do now? Here are a few examples:"

• Manage your appliances and home security systems through online systems.
• Use your mobile phones as remote controllers.
• Download videos, music, and books as an everyday practice. Video on demand will focus on watching previously downloaded video rather than watching streaming, real-time video. This is really just an obvious extrapolation of the iPod/TiVo paradigm.
• You will be able to talk to the Internet itself to search for information and interact with various devices — and it will respond.
• Search systems will be more precise because meta-tagging of information will have become more common. This is part of the semantic web movement.
• Maintenance histories of products that can be serviced will be keyed to radio frequency IDs or bar codes associated with the devices. This is one potential use of Internet Protocol version 6, or IPv6, which is the natural extension of the original IPv4.

"What will the technical underpinnings of the Internet look like by then?"

• Terabit per second local networking will be available as backbones for local networks.
• The domain name system will operate in multiple language scripts. Again, a result of deploying IDNs and new gTLDs.
IPv6 will be widely deployed, once the technical and financial issues have been worked out.
• Better confidentiality and authenticity will be provided through the use of a public key crypto. This will provide more authentication all along the network.
Much more inter-device interaction will be common, incorporating position location, sensor networks, and local radio communications.
• Spam, phishing, and various forms of denial of service attacks will continue a cold war-style arms race with defenses and better authentication techniques.
• Operating systems will continue to be troublesome sources of vulnerability.

There should be no confusion: broadband speeds required to participate in the internet in 10 years time will be measured in the 100s of megabits per second. Indeed network planners in South Korea are now moving households to 1 gigabit connections today.

Why is the appropriate approach to broadband so important? It is because the Internet will continue to represent a massive and accelerating force for the reduction of transaction costs across the global economy, and a force for unprecedented innovation in the delivery of private and public services.

Clearly we see many of these same opportunities for companies and people. The last point I have highlighted in italics is clear recognition that the direction that this blog and software development proposal are consistent with others perspective and vision. Transaction costs are best handled in markets. Markets, due to their (primarily) contractual nature, increase transaction costs. Information Technologies reduce transaction cost friction to their lowest level. People, Ideas and Objects will bring these technologies to the energy industry.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

And so it begins.

Today Total Petroleum announced a decline of 20% of their projected production to 2010. Not their overall production is in decline; only there projected increases are revised downwards from 5% to 4%. This is more telling about the politics in big companies. Rarely would we have seen such a statement that production would be lower then previously reported. If its lower then just do more drilling, or whatever, to increase production to what was reported earlier. For Total to issue such a statement there must be a lack of faith in the company’s ability to increase production that extra 1%.

Now that the IEA and the National Petroleum Council have released their reports it's "OK" for the truth to be told. Total may be the first that I am aware of, but I am certain that there will be many more, and the volume and the pitch will be heard everywhere. Just as in the 1980's when the managers jumped over each other to prove they could cut their budget further then the last guy, the companies will quietly line up and announce one after another the increase in their associated production decreases.

Speaking of cover stories, OPEC can now pipe in and say that they will be experiencing some production declines. With the news of the major producers decline in production becoming yesterday's news, and a financial crisis in the home mortgage market, no one will actually hear OPEC announce the declines. (Possibly as soon as September 11.) And it will be too tempting for them not to make these announcements. After all reporting to their people that production is scaled back and revenues are way up will be easy to sell. Hugo Chaves may actually become that mythic hero he sees himself as.

I have repeated here many times that the constraints on companies are the reason for the associated decline in production. It’s a new time and a new place. We have to do something to affect the performance of these companies. Our choices are the status quo, build the software I speak of here, or if we do not define and support the Joint Operating Committee, as is suggested in this new software development, then we will be relegated to reorganizing to manual systems.

Clearly the status quo is not working. Join me in making this re-organization real. When you have the organizations actively jumping over each other to state the bad news, you know that their options are limited.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Steve Jobs and his Apple iPod.

Today was a great day for the Apple faithful with a high profile presentation of the new iPods by Steve Jobs. I want to reiterate the risks of these WiFi enabled hard and ram disk devices in the corporate environment. Pod Slurping is the ability to access and copy corporate information for unauthorized purposes. Now with WiFi the risk rises. A relatively remote risk if you have a secure network, but with all things network, the number of ports and the number of methods is limited by human imagination. These devices, along with the SunSpots and Motes that I recently wrote about, will be perceived by some people as being either curses or highly effective tools. Since I am a glass half full type of thinker, I'll just mention how I use iPods today and what potential they have in the hands of the oil and gas industry that is supported by a capable software development vendor.

I currently have two iPods that I use constantly. I have used iPods for over four years and find them to be an indispensable tool in this day and age. Firstly I use an iPod Shuffle, the clip on 1GB model that I fill with PodCasts. The iTunes Music Store has many quality podcasts that I subscribe too. Unfortunately I listen to up to 2 - 3 hours of casts each day. The Shuffle allows me to control when and where I can listen to them. I clip it to my lanyard and have the earphones handy. A simple click of the play button and I'm right where I left off. With over 15 hours per charge, I have many PodCasts that I want to concentrate on when I am commuting, waiting, or just out and about. I like to think of this time as an increase in my productivity as I can generally listen and do something mindless at the same time.

What I have loaded on my Shuffle right now is Bloomburg on the Economy, EconTalk, Google Developer Podcast, The McLaughin Group, Meet the Press, 4 courses of lectures from UC Berkeley (2 economics, 2 information technology), Stanford which includes the Hoover Institute, MIT, Dr. Moira Gunn Tech Nation, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer etc. Jobs stated that there are now 125,000 podcasts, 25,000 video podcasts, so there should be something for everyone. I frequently felt frustrated that I was not keeping up on this valuable content. Now I can synch as frequently as I like and have the most up to date information available to choose from during the day, all thanks to the Shuffle.

I also have had a classic iPod for over 4 years and find them an indispensable and valuable tool for travel and the like. I also back up all of my data to them, frequently, creating a corporate risk if you lose the device. With the ability to watch movies, television, YouTube or Google videos they can provide an asynchronous portal to the entertainment / information you enjoy or need.

What will the iPod provide in the near future? I think we have seen enough of these devices development to know that the iPhone will become standard fare for the productive worker. Email may seem like a small increase in capability, however, email with rich media is a completely different tool. People are frequently working with more complex ideas and concepts. Text is the clearest and easiest to produce, but many important concepts can be articulated more clearly in rich media. Speeches, presentations and corporate summaries will be the types of media that can and will be produced. For anyone in the audience of a company that needs to know, the presentation could become central to the quality of its communications. Just as I think blogs will soon replace resumes, companies will need to revisit the definition of their audience and the communications to the people they need to communicate with.

The Technical Vision that I have presented for this software development project, noted that the volume of data will grow exponentially. I have also noted the need to be tied down into an office is becoming more redundant each day, with possibly energy, or rather the saving of it, may be the killer app for ubiquitous computing, Demanding that people be available anywhere and at anytime they are required. iPhone will be your portal to the control of the demands of daily living and completion of your work.

Or maybe transaction processing will be the killer application that brings these devices into the corporate world. That is where I am putting my time, money and energy. In bringing this software development to the 21st century oil and gas user and producer.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Leading and Creating Collaboration in Decentralized Organizations

Heather M. Caruso
Todd Rogers
Max Bazerman

Click on the title of this entry to download the .pdf. This Harvard Business School Working Paper provides some insight into the group dynamics of collaboration. I find many of the comments and recommendations are very consistent with my own experiences. These are skills that are necessary in today's marketplace, and I think that the level of collaboration is just beginning to evolve and will become much more complex in the very near future. The authors start out with a chilling example of collaborations failure and looks into the types of group and individual failures.

In reviewing the Web Services paradigm I sourced a document from John Seely Brown and John Hagel with can be read here. In that article it was discussed how the division of labor caused the dynamic of information leaking out of organizations faster then the information is transfered within the organization.

In Brown & Duguid (1998) they make the following observations: “The leakiness of knowledge out of and into organizations, however, presents an interesting contrast to internal stickiness. Knowledge often travels more easily between organizations than it does within them. For while the division of labor erects boundaries within firms, it also produces extended communities that lie across the external boundaries of the firms. Moving knowledge among groups with similar practices and overlapping membership can thus sometimes be relatively easy compared to the difficulty in moving it among heterogeneous groups within the firm. Similar practice in a common field can allow ideas to flow. Indeed, it’s often harder to stop ideas spreading then to spread them.” (p. 102)
We see this phenomenon in oil and gas where news travels very quickly through the industry. If it were an accounting issue it would be openly discussed with the audit firm, the professional associations and within the industry specific organizations such as the Petroleum Accountants Society. Discussions between CFO's of the various producers is very common and many of these conversations are beyond the scope of many of the other C class executives technical understanding.

The authors note a current example of this "stickiness" and start out with a chilling example of collaborations failure and then look into the types of group and individual failures.
Many employees note that, in decentralized organizations, it is harder to deal with other divisions or departments of their organization than it is to negotiate with outside suppliers or customers. In ordinary cases, this inter-organizational coordination failure which can cost substantial sums of money. In other cases, these failures can be catastrophic, as different agencies within the U.S. intelligence community (notably, the CIA and FBI) neglected to integrate knowledge of the looming threats that existed prior to September 11th, 2001. p. 2
Often, instances of coordination failure stem from the failure to appropriately structure the organization around the key inter-dependencies within the organization - whether that suggests organizing by function (e.g., sales, marketing, manufacturing, engineering, etc.), by product group, or by region. Yet, even when organizations are able to design divisions around the appropriate dimensions, there will always be a need to integrate information across the resulting units. We focus this paper on improving information coordination across these organizational units to maximize organizational effectiveness. p. 2
"The Need for Coordination Across Organizational Boundaries."

It is at this point that I believe the energy industry breaks from convention. The Joint Operating Committee (JOC) is the legal, financial, cultural and operational decision-making framework of the industry. The software that is used summarily ignores these facts. SAP, Oracle and others do not fully recognize these facts within their domain of functionality and processing. Theirs are focused more on the classic modular breakdown of General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Recievable with the occassional Land and Production modules designed to handle the company's interest.
As organizations grow to serve multiple product areas, regions, or demographic groups, they move toward decentralized structure, which enable them to structure the organization around organizational units that match the most important organizational dimension. This system makes it unnecessary for each unit to constantly involve the rest of the company in their local affairs, relying instead on each unit to coordinate their actions with others only when necessary, and to otherwise focus their relatively undivided energies on the niche for which they have been made experts. As a result, these decentralized units demand less monitoring from busy top management teams, expand the organizations capacity to explore and adapt to its environment, and create space for innovative, entrepreneurial problem solving. In addition, it is easier to motivate performance in a decentralized organization than in a tightly controlled centralized structure.
And possibly the authors are speaking proactively. In that the future dynamics of the organization will move closer toward a market configuration as opposed to the strucutured hiearchy. It would certainly appear in this next quotation that is the mindset of the authors.
Nevertheless the world is getting smaller. The various pockets of human society are becoming more dynamic and diverse because they are coming closer together, connected by an increasingly dense web of physical and technological expressways. With these connections, synchronized patterns and coordinated activities are likely to emerge across multiple locales, though they may be exceedingly complex, often anticipate, identify and respond to patterns of activity across the diverse niches their subdivision serve. p. 3
Which is all well and good but as we all have experienced in life, there are consequences of these things. And this is where collaboration can really cause disruption in the day to day functioning of inter-organizational communications. How can each and every producer within a JOC deal with the group dynamics of the property. I would suggest that ignoring the JOC for the majority of the time has been the bureaucracies and software vendors' means of dealing with these group dynamics. The problem with this position is that the tools necessary to have a more direct involvement are influencing the industry and the performance metrics of the JOC may (will?) provide real competitive advantages to those producers that embrace this new dynamic.
Unfortunately, the rapid and novel changes that create the demand for decentralization in the first place often place organization leaders in a considerably less certain, and consequently less commanding, position. p. 3
And here must be classified as another call to action;
Leaders cannot afford to possibly wait for these unstructured collaborations to emerge on their own. Boundaries and bad habits make organization members unlikely to instinctively reach across divisional lines to integrate their knowledge and activities appropriately. p. 4
"Barriers to Information Sharing across Organization Boundaries"

"Intergroup Bias"

There may be over 100,000 JOC's in the global oil and gas industry. Each one is distinct and has elements that make each one mutually exclusive to the others. Different partners, wells, facilities and location are just some of the attributes that make them unique. The authors suggest that this may impede collaboration between the companies associated with a JOC.
One key barrier to cross-boundary information sharing stems from one of the very reasons organizations establish group boundaries to begin with: to create and maintain a recognizable and meaningful distinction between two or more groups in the organization. p. 5
With the assocated size of many JOC's it is possible to have hundreds and possible several thousand people employed exclusively in one JOC. Therefore for each company to dedicate staff to that one area would not lead to too much difficulty. However, the firm has needs that are associated with that JOC that are above and beyond those individuals focus. Much as I have written about the possible difficulties experienced by Chrysler. Where the firm may lose some of its overall technical capability by the focus being exclusively on the JOC and the market that supports it. The firm needs to conduct elements of science and technology capabiliities which in addition to its land base are its key competitive advantages. Here the authors indirectly note the problem that I think is highly related to the Chrysler situation that I wrote about here.
In a decentralized organization, the salience of differing groups memberships and this self serving motivation set the stage for integroup bias - the systematic tendency to unfairly treat one's own group or its members better than a non-membership group or its members. p. 5
Competitive pressures on the different groups in a decentralized organization could easily provoke similar forms of intergroup antagonism and diminish or destroy any hope of unstructured, emergent collaboration. Company funding, access to markets, intellectual property rights, and numerous other organizational assets are all potentially scarce resources over which groups with the organization may have to (or feel they have to) compete. p. 6
This suggests that the fog created by legitimate competition between organizational groups can prevent group members from recognizing or taking advantage of unrelated opportunities to share mutually beneficial information and collaborate. If derogation of the out-group extends to derogation of the information it possesses, members of one group might foolishly reflect useful information from another group. Alternatively, perceived competition might create an exaggerated fear of sabotage form the other group, predisposing group members to hoard or withhold information form other groups that might leave them vulnerable. p. 6
These quotations add more focus to the problems that may be experienced by establishing the boundaries of the firms in this proposed software development. On the surface it may appear that the need to abort the idea of developing this software would be an ideal position. I would argue that noting could be further from the truth. It is the time and place that we find ourselves operating in that challenge us to work in a more decentralized manner. The technologies, the competitive pressures, the risks and the rewards would lead or motivate individuals to operate at this higher level. The risks are clearly articulated by the authors in this next quotation.
The now-famous intelligence failures surrounding September 11 reveal a situation in which the sometimes conflicting goals of the CIA (intelligence gathering) and FBI (Criminal Prosecution) have created the perception of inter-agency competition for information, time, and access to key informants or suspects. p. 7
One remedy that I could suggest may be effective would be for each company that has a working interest in a JOC would be entitled to the data and information that is available to the active members of the JOC. The ability to share information between the groups electronically is something that can be managed in an appropriate manner when the industry has the capability of a dedicated software developer as proposed here. Lastly the authors note that this intergroup bias may be a simple feature of the assignment of people to groups. What the technology proposal inherent in this blogs writings is attempting. Is to enhance the cross functional collaboration between the various disciplines involved in oil and gas. Hence this proposal provides the opportunity of eliminating one element of the intergroup bias.
Competition is certainly a powerful driver of intergroup bias, but it is not actually a necessary precondition for the emergence of bias. Remarkably, intergroup bias will arise with little more than the mere assignment of people into distinct groups. p. 7
"Group Territoriality"

Group dynamics have a potentially negative effect on the dynamics of establishing the market as the basis of the JOC definition. If these group dynamics are not clearly defined and dealt with the effectiveness of the market and the firm will be at risk. The intergroup bias has a strong tacit concurrence to the definition described, as does Group Territoriality defined by the authors as.
Organizational boundaries do not only serve to distinguish groups from one another, but also to help groups define themselves in a more absolute sense. Unfortunately, just as the former effect poses a threat to cross-boundary coordination through intergroup bias, the latter effect can have negative implications as well. p. 9
Once these items are identified as part of a groups territory, we suggest that they afford group members a sense of psychological ownership - claims to, or feelings of possessiveness and attachment toward, those objects. p. 9
When we add the elements of the cognitive and motivational paradoxes to these group dynamics, I think we can see some of the reasons why group territoriality comes into play. There is a sense of urgency involved in many of the operations of oil and gas that can further affect group dynamics. Therefore I think that this should be an area of intense study during this development. Not to add further fuel to the fire, but there is a large disparity in many of the peoples acceptance and use of technology. Not everyone will have the same capacities to deal with the technologies and see the opportunities that others see.
We classify these behaviours as instances of group territoriality action undertaken by a group or by individuals on behalf of their group which are designed to reflect, communicate, preserve, or restore the group's psychological ownership of its territory. Unlike intergroup bias, this preferential attention to the intergroup does not stem from the desire to improve the standing of one's group relative to others. Instead, this behaviour is more inward-looking; it stems from the need to respect and reaffirm the identity, efficacy, and security of the group with the organization. Nevertheless, group territoriality can constitute a significant barrier to emergent intergroup collaboration and information exchange. p. 10
Through marking and defining behaviors, group territoriality can often work against information exchange in decentralized organizations. These behaviours exaggerate each organizational unit's focus on itself, facilitating possessiveness and disregard for other units. p. 13
The second group need that undergirds group territoriality is the need to establish and maintain a sense of group efficacy in organizational relevant domains. This form of efficacy refers to a groups belief in its collective ability to organize and perform the activities necessary to achieve desired goals, At the broadest level, identification and protection of group territory helps groups to identify the goals they should aspire to achieve. Moreover, when a group's territory is widely recognized by others, such recognition can serve as an implicit endorsement of the group's efficacy in related domains. Control over group territory further enhances a sense of group efficacy by assuring groups of ready access to resources that can facilitate their accomplishments. p. 14
Finally a positive attribute of the times that we find ourselves in is the long term shortage of people in oil and gas. This is providing a level of job security that I have not experienced in the 30 years that I have worked in oil and gas. The authors point out that a secure environment is a precursor to dealing with issues.
When a group feels secure in its environment, it can more easily develop expectations of and predictions about its environment, which can facilitate the planning and execution of activities. p. 14
"Poor Negotiations Across the Organization"

This next topic would be something that is totally new to me. I will leave it to the authors to define the issue and their solution and then I will comment at the end.
The final barrier to effective cross-boundary information sharing we discuss involves the poor strategies used by members of different organizational divisions when they negotiate with one another. p. 15
Nevertheless, both parties commonly focus only on the claiming aspect, and destroy value for themselves and for the broader corporation. These failures are due to both faulty cognitive assumptions and to the failure to follow insightful prescriptions about how to negotiate more effectively. Perhaps the three most important cognitive errors are the myth of a "fixed pie" in negotiations, the failure to carefully consider the decision processes of one's negotiation partner, and the failure to recognize opportunities to negotiate in the first place. As parties enter into a negotiation, they too often assume that their task is to divide up a fixed pie of resources. Researchers have described this tendency to view competitive situation as purely win-lose as the mythical-fixed-pie mindset. p. 15
Related to the myth of a fixed pie is the cognitive failure to fully consider the perspective and decision processes of the other party. Though many people recognize the importance of "putting yourself in the shoes of others", ample research shows that most of us fail to do so. The price we pay for this failure is weaker negotiation outcomes. The key to creating value in negotiations is to identify areas where mutually beneficial trades are possible. p. 16
A last cognitive barrier to effective value creation in cross - divisional negotiations is that the parties fail to recognize that they are involved in a negotiation, thus missing the accompanying opportunity for value creation. pp. 16 - 17
This last point being the key from an administrative point of view. My perspective of being in accounting, audit, and systems has been skewed by wanting to provide the best services to the operational areas. I would suggest that many of the earth scientists and engineers can better appreciate the point of view of the authors.

"Leading Emergent Collaboration"
The challenges to effective emergent collaboration have a number of implications for effective leadership in decentralized organizations. Accordingly, we focus this next section on three key recommendations leaders may explore in order to overcome the threats of intergroup bias, group territoriality, and poor negotiation norms. p. 17
"Link Group Interest to Super-ordinate Interests."
They attacked competition as the root cause of the bias, and simply presented the groups with tasks that each group could only achieve through cooperation with the other. Faced with necessary cooperation, the groups began to exchange help, information and resources, they willingly shared the spoils of their achievements. While this demonstrates the power of the super-ordinate cooperative goals to facilitate cooperative behaviour, the result depended on the replacement of divergent group goals with the common goal. p. 18
Just as actual competition is not necessary to promote intergroup bias, more recent research suggests that actual cooperative goals are not necessary to resolve it. p. 18
In decentralized organizations, however, it can be important to retain and even emphasize the salience of distinct group goals and identities, so as to facilitate the efficient discovery of related resources and expertise. Focusing group members exclusively on a superordinate organizational identity may also distract members from thinking and acting in ways that are consistent with their group membership, diminishing their ability to provide the localized focus, perspective, and actions on which a decentralized organizational structure depends. pp. 18 - 19
It should be made clear that no one group can achieve the superordinate goals, nor can one group give the organization sufficient richness and depth. Group members can thus be encouraged to see themselves as fundamental linked to out group members while remaining cognizant of the fact that the link itself depends on their ability to contribute localized expertise to the others. p. 19
"Frame Collaboration as the Solution to Group Needs."
The underlying drivers of group territoriality are the groups needs for a sense of identity, efficacy, and security. the natural impulse for groups and their members is to satisfy these needs by becoming inwardly focused, by utilizing group territory to meet these needs, and by engaging in territorial behaviours to protect their ongoing ability to continue utilizing the territory for those purposes. p. 19
The key underlying issues here is that groups often seek to satisfy their needs by turning their attention exclusively to their own members and territory. They ignore or fail to recognize opportunities to satisfy their needs through, rather than in spite of, interference from other groups. p. 20
Raising the profile of eagerness to collaborate as a dimension of identity can thereby create a self-sustaining meaning and salience in the organizational environment, as it encourages groups to refer to each other not only in terms of their territory proper, but also in terms of their approach to sharing and exploring territory. p. 20
With the increasing popularity of cross-functional teams, it seems like it should be especially easy to sell collaboration to organizational group members as a way of developing new competencies and enhancing their sense of efficacy. However, because people are often drawn into collaboration across functional or disciplinary lines, group members may instead feel that they have been chosen to primarily "represent" and advocate for their group's ideas and approaches in the interaction. pp. 20 - 21
By thus highlighting the prospect of substantial losses, leaders can capitalize on the groups need for survival and increase the willingness of groups and their members to accept the security risks posed by information exchange and collaboration. p. 21
"Enable and Encourage Effective Negotiation Behaviours"
The second aspect of getting organization members to negotiate effectively across the divisional boundaries is to establish strong explicit norms (especially during times of change or transition) that support information gathering, disclosure, and constructive criticism. p. 22
This underscores the critical point in maximizing organizational value-creation during cross-divisional negotiations: optimal outcomes demand that a leader instill, and reinforce, norms that promote information sharing and discourage information hoarding. pp. 22 - 23
Some might argue that a norm of information sharing and collaboration would destroy "constructive conflict" within an organization. We do not agree. We think that it is fine for divisions to compete along many fronts, including value claiming once the total value of the pie has been maximized. But, such competition should not destroy value. Just as organizations have norms against lying, deception, fraud, and hiding defects in products, we argue that organizations could also have strong norms about optimal collaboration across units. p. 23
This last section of their document providing many of the solutions the authors have found to the group dynamics. I am unable to comment constructively on many of the points. I will however note that during my "online" studies for my MBA. I found it particularly difficult for most of the other students to offer or accept any constructive conflict in the discussions. The initial feeling is that conflict is something to be avoided and if anyone raises it they are not cooperating appropriately within the group. I tend to disagree primarily out of my type "A" personality, but also because I feel fundamentally that the contradictions and conflicts in life are the best means in which to identify and resolve issues. If the groups approach is to avoid conflict, then I feel that the groups approach is to get along and go through the exercise without any real debate. (Or argument.)

These last two blog entries have dealt with some of the personal issues that we will face in these developments. How best to proceed from this point, I think, is to establish this area with some real research that provides us with key understandings of the unique involvement here. With this research we should be able to identify many of the tools necessary to mitigate the problems and maximise the opportunities. Tools such as a comprehensive code of conduct that adopts these principles and research findings, and I am certain that most of the real issues remain undiscovered as we proceed down this road.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

The constraints of code and customers.

I have commented many times about how this project is a clean slate approach to systems development. This may simply be a diplomatic way of stating its obvious vapor-ware status. What I mean is that the software development business is unique in that constraints of code and customers eventually become impediments to instituting any change. This may be ideal for companies such as Microsoft but for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendor, and particularly for the oil and gas industry, nothing could be further from the truth. The two constraints of code and customers are also related and affected by the motivational and cognitive paradoxes of the users of the system.

I consider these constraints of code and customers to be unacceptable to the best interests of the users of this system. The motivation has to be for the users to influence the development that they need and want. (Using software such as this enables the community.) If it is necessary to rewrite some code, or the users decide to archive an entire module, then it will be done. The primary focus of the developments should be accuracy and increasing the productivity of the users of the system. Productivity increases are not static. How can an industry continually increase the capability and functionality of their systems on a constant basis? This blog entry will show how I think these software development should be done.

Firstly let me try to explain what I mean by better defining these constraints.

  • Code: With the progressively increasing size of installed computer code, the costs to the software developer to change and innovate become increasingly more difficult to justify.
  • Customers: With progressively greater numbers of clients using the software developers code, the costs to upgrade the installed base of customer’s code and associated support revenue, do not support change and inhibit innovation.

My findings also show that the ability for producers to secure the necessary ERP systems, irrespective of the software development method used, is contingent on the active involvement of their money, time and people. These are the resources necessary to develop systems that specifically fit the producers' needs. Over the past 20 years we have seen how the speculative model of software development, either international or local in origin, has failed to provide the oil and gas industry with optimal systems. I attribute these failures to the inability of any of the software development projects to be influenced by the users. Without user involvement, no quality systems will be built. This blogs purpose is to start the conversation among users, get them involved, and ensure the developments are what are necessary to function in the exploration, exploitation and production areas of oil and gas.

Using the Web Services paradigm, users will access People, Ideas and Objects systems any time and anywhere. A producer's specific software installation is not part of the design specification, however, it may be an option that can be accommodated. The data and information integration costs will be borne by the individual producers and be offered as part of the users domain of business service offerings. The total costs of this development and its associated costs will be shared by the producers that use it. Bringing the costs of software development to a small percentage of what has been incurred in the past. A method of assessing these costs has not developed at this time, neither has the community of users or their business offerings formed as of yet. This being a classic chicken and egg proposition that I have to resolve.

In noting that there will be a variety of user based business offerings developed as a result of this software development. I am attempting to eliminate some of the associated user based impediments to active involvement and participation to the software's development. These impediments are known as the cognitive and motivational paradoxes. A brief introduction of these is as follows:

  • The "motivational paradox" arises from the production bias. That is, users lack the time to learn new applications due to the overwhelming concern for throughput. Their work is hampered by this lack of learning, and consequently productivity suffers. Carroll and Rosson (1998)
  • The "cognitive paradox" has its root in the assimilation bias. People tend to apply what they already know in coping with new situations, and can be bound by the irrelevant and misleading similarities between the old and new situations. This can prevent people from learning and applying new and more effective solutions. Carroll and Rosson (1998)

What is of concern here is the quality of the development may be directly related to the users and contingent on the level of training they receive and understanding of the process, capabilities etc. Adopting this clean slate approach to systems development will take them time to adapt. Therefore, payment for these services is a given. Asking people to sacrifice their free time will sustain the developments only for a short period of time. Would some users consider it a full time job? Yes, I think that is possible and may occur, or users will develop their own businesses offering integration, training and associated services for the software. This community will need to be self-sustaining and possibly involve hundreds or thousands of individual businesses.

As can be seen in this description the solution that I am proposing is not just the software development, which is the domain that I am concerned with, but all aspects of the user community and day to day administration of the oil and gas producers. An entire re-alignment of the industry based on the needs of the producers as specified in the module definition and the joint operating committees. However many independent business that are needed in order to undertake these tasks is defined by the needs of the producers. This community or "market" is part and parcel of the market definition of the boundaries of the firm. Contact me here if you would like to join me.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

They're here...

Sun Microsystems Sunspots and Intel Motes.

To help in understanding the impact of the technologies that are to be introduced through this software development project, I have created a vision of why certain technologies will have a dramatic effect on the people operating in the energy industry. This vision encapsulates four key technologies, Objects, IPv6, Asynchronous Process Management and Wireless. I have written in detail about these technologies here, here, here and here. These four technologies enable a proliferation of devices to be connected to the Internet for data capture and remote control. What could be developed in these devices is limited to the imagination of the people that are involved in the oil and gas industry. A world with these types of devices needs to be approached differently in order to capture the volume of data, information and control that will be available.

It is this vision that is captured in Sun Microsystems "SunSpots" programmable, experimental gadgets to test and implement in new and innovative ways. From my point of view this is the beginning of the ability to develop new and interesting devices that will help increase people's and producers productivity.

We've created a platform that greatly simplifies development and experimentation with small wireless devices, and we've opened it up to the development community, said Roger Meike, research director for Project Sun SPOT. There will be tremendous opportunities to apply and expand this technology in all sorts of new and exciting ways.
Why would these SunSpots and Motes be used in oil and gas? Time, physics, pressure, location, and temperature just to name a few classifications of the many possible reasons. Soon these devices will be certified for RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliance. How many of these types of devices will be embedded in the operational day to day of an oil and gas producer? How many of these remote devices will be involved in the process of commerce, or more specifically the beginning, middle or end of a transaction? How will the limited human resources involved in the industry manage with this level of data and information? And who will be the first to employ these devices in a commercial setting, the producer, investor or user of the software development capability that I write about in this blog?

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Institution, Inertia, and Changing Industrial Leadership

Paul L. Robertson
Department of Economics and Management, University College, University of New South Wales, Australia

Richard N. Langlois
Department of Economics, The University of Connecticut, USA

March 1994,
Back into our working paper review, this next document is one that was co-written by Langlois in 1994. We have been able to learn many positive things from his works, and this article predates most of the review we have done so far. Application of his theories to the energy industry has helped in defining the boundaries of the firm, and given us a clear separation of the optimal market and firm definitions. We have also been able to specify the software modules that will best provide the oil and gas producer with the ability to be fast, innovative and profitable. Another key finding from Langlois involves the analysis of transaction costs and how the information technologies have reduced the overall costs of transactions. Enabling them to reside within their optimal area of either the firm or market definition.
I am extremely pleased with the progress made through our review of Professor Langlois. Framing the perspectives of the industries history, it's current environment and future makeup. The clarity of his thinking resonates with its application to energy and the time frame we find ourselves. We have also briefly discussed the economic cycle and how it may affect the energy industry. This has included the discussion of Professor Carlotta Perez' works in defining the transitional point in time we currently find ourselves. It would be a difficult argument to assert that the energy industry is in a static state. Many of the changes being faced by the industry are fundamental in their origins and contain threats and opportunities to each and every producer, individual and society.
Langlois and Robertson start this paper by framing the effect of economics over time; and ask if the pace of change in economics is incremental or revolutionary.
One of the most persistent debates surrounding economic change is whether it is incremental or revolutionary in nature; whether, for instance, a period of change that lasted anywhere from seventy to one hundred years may be properly termed an Industrial Revolution. (Landes, 1991; Cameron, 1985). Unless we abandon standard models of causality and are willing to invoke an occasional deux ex machina to explain change, the incrementalists are of course correct in insisting that, in the end, any event represents a change in the existing framework in the sense that it flows from (can be explained by) antecedent events and conditions. This however begs the question of the rate of change since it is still entirely conceivable that there are periods when change accelerates or slows relative to other periods. Moreover, even a moderate rate of change may be consistent with significant discontinuities in that some economic agents (individuals, firms, or other institutions such as the regulatory system) may drop out altogether and be replaced by others. In this case, seeming stability on a macro level may mask compositional effects that have a great impact on the various components of the economy. p. 2
Recall that the time frame in which this paper is written. I remember 1994 as a time that existed in an era of relative calm in comparison to today. Thirteen years has brought us Cell phones, the Internet, Globalization and many others. What will the next thirteen years bring? The Chinese proverb of "may you live in interesting times" comes to mind when we foresee the changes we have traversed, and will be challenged with in the very near future. I believe peak oil is possibly the largest challenge ever faced by mankind. Our current situation therefore has a definitive point in which change will be forced upon us. We need to be pro-active and deal with these challenges in a more constructive manner then denying that they exist. Our first priority should be to re-organize the energy industry so that it can face these difficulties. Inherent in that priority is the need to define and support the new organization with the software that will enable the organizational performance.
Several features of punctuated equilibrium stand out. Firstly, it is a lengthy process. Even the revolutionary or transitionary phase, in which two or more alternatives vie for success, may be prolonged for decades, or eons in the case of speciation. Secondly, the process, like Schumpeter's: creative destruction," is one of replacement. When there is punctuated equilibrium, the extinction of a species or discrediting of a scientific theory are not enough; there must be a new species available to take over the territory or a new theory to account for the phenomena that the old theory was once thought to explain. Thirdly, each period of punctuated change requires a behavioral shift to ensure alignment between the requirements of the new order and the actions of its agents. This shift might be accomplished internally, if the old agents adapt their behavior to meet the new conditions, or externally if they are supplanted by a new group of agents. Finally, inertia plays a central role in punctuated equilibrium by ensuring that change proceeds by fits and starts rather than smoothly and evenly. pp. 2 - 3
So there we have a definition of why change seems to be slow. There needs to be a competition in essence for which systems should prevail. This force is the inertia that the bureaucracy maintains and the ideas that I have written about here. I assume, or indeed hope, that the time where these two opposing ideas are competing considers the necessary time for these technologies to be assembled. I believe we have many years ahead of us before this true comparison of the two alternatives can be adequately evaluated. In theory the Joint Operating Committee has been assembled by the oil and gas industry to deal with the partnerships that are its founding. The tacit understanding that this blogs theories are sound are exactly that. Theories, vapor ware, unknowns and unproven. Yet hold elements of promise that should be evaluated by this greater competition between the bureaucracy and the ideas articulated here.
Inertia is the focus of this paper. As is explained in more detail below, inertia has two major functions in the cycle of punctuated equilibrium. Inertia result from, and in a sense embodies, the best feature of the stable phase of the cycle because it is based on the learning process in which producers determine which procedures are most efficient and effective. Once people are satisfied that the know how to do things well, they have very little incentive to look for or adopt new methods. In the words of Tushman and Romanelli (1985, pp. 197, 205), "those same social and structural factors which are associated with effective performance are also the foundations of organizational inertia..., success sows the seeds of extraordinary resistance to fundamental change." Inertia also provides the tension, however, that leads to the (relatively) short, sharp shock of the revolutionary period (Gould, 1983, p. 153) because the pressure required to displace a successful but inert system is considerable and takes time to accumulate. When there is little inertia, change can be assimilated in a gradual and orderly fashion, but an entrenched system may need to be vigorously displaced. p. 3
I may seem melodramatic in how I perceive the problem and hence the need to begin this project. The bureaucracies are currently enjoying success while the energy reserves of which society depends are depleted. It is not the corporation's problem. It is the society as a whole that should be standing behind these ideas and moving them forward. The corporations are profitable and their production profile and reserves continue to climb. Theirs is a commercial pursuit that is working just fine.
Here we concentrate on explaining the part played by inertia in causing economic displacement. We argue that inertia is often a rational response for firms or governments even after an important innovation becomes available, and that changes in economic leadership, whether on the level of the firm or the nation, may be inevitable when there is significant innovation. p. 4
Institutions and Inertia.
The corporations that I speak of will probably be replaced to a large extent by the oil and gas investor actively involved in exploration and production. Relying on the collective market resources contained within the Joint Operating Committees they participate in. This is a rather far-reaching statement that can't be supported at this time. However, the replacement of the corporation may involve the investor being more involved in the day to day of the operation. The strong separation between ownership and management is the area where much needs to be addressed. It is my read of the management mindset in oil and gas that they are not going to approach any large and difficult problems before their individual retirements. They have spent twenty plus years in working to build what exists today and have no vision, motivation or capability to deal with the future. And this is the reason for the early prevalence of Peak Oil. In this scenario the management are the odd men out and the investors may have to be the ones that make the change towards the systems I write about here. In the past few months we have heard many groups resonate the concern for Peak Oil. The prescriptions are all remarkably alike, yet the bureaucracies are deaf, dumb and blind, cheered along by Dr. Daniel Yergin's promises of an unprecedented 16 million barrel per day capacity increases.
There is a range of explanations of inertia. One set is the "real" or, in the narrow sense, "economic" explanations that look to abstract variables like demand levels, factor endowments, and relative prices to justify the failure of some organizations to change. A second reason for inertia is simple incompetence, when managers are either too stupid or too idle to adopt desirable new methods. p. 4
Here, we concentrate on the influence of institutional variables on inertia. Institutions may either retard or encourage innovation. If the institutional structure is unsuited to a new technology and inert, change will be difficult to implement. When existing institutions are flexible or well adapted to the requirements of an innovation, however, change will be accomplished relatively easily. p. 5
And institutional change, we argue, can often take place through the more or less slow dying out of obsolete institutions in a population and their replacement by better-adapted institutions - rather than by the conscious adaptation of existing institutions in the face of change. p. 6
In this paper, we restrict ourselves to pointing out that no single form of organization is appropriate for all, or even a majority of, cases in which innovation is desirable. p. 7
On routines and capabilities.
From what I can discern in conversations with people within the industry. It appears that the companies have become encased in concrete. Nothing is happening in Calgary other then a slow and steady march that replicates itself each day. It would be all right if this march was able to generate some movement in the long run, but I cannot determine that is the case. The proliferation and prevalence of the executive assistant and phone mail have provided safe havens for those that have no desire to fight the inertia that remains within the business. Feeding the printers with paper seems to be a most productive effort in the overall scheme of things. People are thinking that their retirements are soon to arrive, and then this will all end.
Maybe it is the individuals that see the peak oil situation that are the ones that need to adjust their expectations. What do they expect from a firm that has survived the 1980's and 1990's, through the long and difficult times of the cheap oil era. These individuals and companies are the survivors, for it is the survivor skill set that was necessary in order to exist. Expecting anything greater then survival would have been difficult to ask, or implement or change to meet the challenges of today. Professor Langlois writes that a similar situation to this scenario is the effective long term advantage of the firm.
Overall, then, inertia exerts two principal influences on the ability of firms to cope with innovation. Inertia is often a product of successful adaptation to earlier innovation, as a firm develops ways of operating that appear to be so well suited to its internal and external environment that it sees no reason to change. In many instances, this adaptation may prove so effective that the firm can retain a total cost advantage for a prolonged period despite using an outdated technology because it can still capitalize on its master of compatible support and ancillary operations, while firms adopting a new, and technically more efficient technology, are still wrestling with the expensive process of acquiring the endogenous and exogenous institutional backup necessary to gain full value from the innovation (Hannan and Freeman, 1989). p. 7
This last comment being particularly valid as they control the budget and therefore no new ideas will be sponsored that would challenge their existence. Leaving society with the legacy and challenge of peak oil to itself.
When inertia retards the learning process necessary to deal with a subsequent important innovation, however, firms that are otherwise in a position to make the eventual transition to a new technology may be so slow in coming to grips with change that dominance shifts to new entrants who are unencumbered by prior developments, learn new adaptive procedures more quickly, and are able, therefore, largely to appropriate the market by the time the established firms have learned to cope with the innovation. The obstacle in this case is may be termed "lockout", as leaders using the old technology find that they cannot successfully make the transition when there is a significant innovation (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990, p. 137). pp. 7 - 8
And hence, the wonderful sound of the term creative destruction. I have long given up on expecting the corporations will do anything to move these ideas forward. I think in this article Langlois and Robertson are being prescient in their thinking that organizations would not survive.

I continue to think back to Langlois' slides of his presentation at the ESNIE conference. The first slide documenting the market activities of the gun makers in the 1800's. It is the market that will be the form of organization that will rise to the challenge of peak oil. The market in oil and gas is in many ways runs parallel to the Joint Operating Committee. And what I think one of the most important attributes of a market is that it is made up of individuals operating in their own best interests. And this may be the key in having this software development project be successful. The culture of the Joint Operating Committee is a key foundation of the global energy business. What activities that I am recommending that we pursue here are 100% in alignment with the culture of the oil and gas industry. The corporations have regressed to a self serving model of compliance and summarily ignore the JOC. And as time passes, they will be less and less able to influence their inevitable demise.
Another aspect of capabilities that has recently received a great deal of attention is organizational culture. In practice, not all organizations may be equally able to cope with change, as existing patterns of behavior involving both executives and subordinates may be resistant to change. Organizations develop collective habits or ways of thinking that can be altered only gradually. To the extent that a given culture is either flexible or consistent with a proposed change in product or process technology, the transition to the new regime will be relatively easy. If, however, the culture is incompatible with the needs posed by the change and is inflexible, the viability of the change will be threatened (Robertson, 1990; Langlois 1991; Camerer and Vepsalainen, 1988). p. 9
From my point of view SAP provides the bureaucratic system that identifies and supports the inflexible organization. An oil and gas company should never have purchased SAP. I have seen in many instances that the system is unable to deal with the associated gross and net distributions of working interest partners. Developers have prepared a derivative work-around that uses the budget and actual costs to account for the partners shares. These types of activities that are ingrained in the organization are inconsistent with the culture of the industry. The JOC is the natural form of organization and have never seen any recognition of it by SAP or Oracle. I am not so much fighting the ingrained culture of the industry as it is a bureaucracy supported by heavily reworked systems. I would assume that if this software would be developed, its explicit recognition of the legal, financial, operational decision making and cultural frameworks of the industry would flow naturally through the cultural manner of the industry. Therefore I am not proposing any wild rework of systems thinking upon the industry. I am bringing the technologies under the control of the user to accurately match the culture.
Nelson and Winter have formulated an economic analogue of capabilities, including organizational culture. "Routines," as they put it, "are the skills of an organization." In the course of its development, a firm acquires a repertoire of routines that derives from its activities over the years. To the extent that these routines are efficient and difficult to come by, they are a most important asset, but they also induce inertia because they are difficult for the firm to change once in place. p. 10
What I am suggesting here is that the fight between the current installed base of systems and their associated culture will pale in performance to the organization that is optimized and supported around the JOC. This is how the industry was conceived to operate, and therefore will win over the bureaucracies current installed inertia. What we recently learned from Professor Paul Romer is that ideas are the life blood of economic growth. How many ideas are wasted as a result of the inability of anyone to assert the "better way." Where the systems and inertia stop all manner of thinking and eliminate the desire for change.
Teece... fails to note that the inflexibility, or inertia, induced by routines and the capabilities that they generate can raise to prohibitive levels the cost of adopting a new technology or entering new fields. Such inertia can develop to the extent that existing rules are both hard to discard and inconsistent with types of change that might otherwise be profitable. p. 10
So where is this analysis of Langlois and Robertson taking us. If we add the element of time that peak oil brings to the current conversation, the sense of urgency to deal with these issues demands immediate action. And if there were ever a clarion call to action that encapsulated my opinion as to the validity of these concepts, it would be the following.
Whereas major competence enhancing innovations may, in time, be assimilated, the creation of entirely new organizations may be needed to deal with innovations that undermine the capabilities or competences of existing firms. p. 11
Expecting someone else to fix this is not working. It is now time for each individual to stand up and take hold of these opportunities and make them real.
Learning and Inertia.
Langlois and Robertson have some additional key points that appear to me to be self-evident. I would also assert that the discussion about learning has affected the energy industry. The effect being that it has enabled the firms to remain blind to the issues associated with peak oil.
Firms that do not make the correct decisions (that do not know how to learn what they specifically need to learn) may lose irrevocably. In the words of Cohen and Levinthal (1990, p. 138):
A firm without a prior technological base in a particular field may not be able to acquire one readily if absorptive capacity is cumulative. In addition a firm may be blind to new development in fields in which it is not investing if its updating capability is low. Accordingly ... firms may not realize that they should be developing their absorptive capacity due to an irony associated with its valuation: the firm needs to have some absorptive capacity to value it appropriately.
If the innovation is competence destroying, the inertia generated by mastery of an older technology may preclude the rapid acquisition of knowledge that will permit the transition. Competence enhancing innovation, on the other hand, can benefit either existing firms or new entrants depending on whether the competences that are strengthened are related to or distinct from those associated with the old technology. p. 13
I find the conclusion the authors provide in this document to be good advice for those that work in the energy industry, and therefore will leave with their policy recommendations.
Institutional factors, especially those embodied in capabilities and routines, can both improve the ability of a firm to exploit an existing technology and make it more difficult to innovate by generating an inertia that is hard to overcome. p. 25
When this is true, a change in industrial leadership is probable, with the hitherto dominant firms becoming either followers or leave the industry altogether because they are no longer competitive. p.25
A number of policy implications flow from this analysis: p. 25
1) It may be highly rational for a firm to cling to an old technology, even if it has a limited life span. The return to harvesting may be greater than that to innovating for a firm that has strong routines and capabilities relevant to the old technology but has fewer capabilities suited to the innovation than other firms. p. 25

2) Governments should be wary, however, of propping up firms that do not have the necessary capabilities to cope with change. Too little attention is sometimes given to the "destruction" aspect of creative destruction. It can be very expensive to help firms to cling indefinitely to outdated technologies or to pay them to acquire capabilities that other firms have gained more cheaply. to the extent that some firms are encouraged to persist with obsolete technologies longer than they otherwise would, the adoption of an innovation by other firms with better capabilities may be retarded, causing a long term cost to society. p. 25

3) If it is nevertheless felt, either by private firms or governments, that they need to obtain a foothold in the innovative technology despite a high degree of rational inertia, it is best to begin adjusting as soon as possible. Otherwise, competitors may have acquired so much experience with the innovation that late adopters will be hard pressed to catch up in the acquisition of tacit and proprietary knowledge. p. 25

4) One way of handling innovation when a firm has good reasons to remain inert is through "tapered adoption." In this way, through pilot projects it will be possible to acquire knowledge and avoid falling too far behind despite the probable losses that the innovation will bring in the early stages. The experiments can then be gradually expanded to replace the old technology as the cost advantage shifts towards the innovation. If an industry is believed to be of great strategic or economic importance, governments may wish to encourage firms to embrace tapered adoption. pp. 25 - 26

5) The analysis also offers evidence that in fact industry arguments can make sense if a nation whose firms have been followers under an old technology believes that there are sufficient capabilities available to support an innovation. In such cases, there could be a substantial long run payoff to providing tariff protection for domestic innovators so that they can develop capabilities while inertia technology encourages overseas competitors to continue to use the old technology. p. 26

I believe the solution is to join me here in developing these software applications to identify and support the Joint Operating Committee as the organizational construct of the oil and gas industry.

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