Preliminary or "Peer" review of the Final Research Report has been completed. The purpose of the peer review is to capture many of the attributes and issues that the industry sees in the report and to assimilate it here. Therefore I am submitting this Revised Abstract as a precursor to approaching the appropriate decision makers in industry. The results of the peer review include the following points.
"What does the industry get."
I am asserting a revised business model then what exists in the marketplace. Investment capital is unavailable for the software developments purposes. Looking at the long-term aspects of this software solution I have concluded it requires a strong revenue stream. This revenue stream starts with the subscription deposits noted below.
"Sticker Shock"
The costs mentioned in the Final Research Report are the total project costs to develop a Canadian oil and gas application. These development costs are amortized over the overall number of producers that subscribe to this development. Ideally this should be the industry at large. Discussion of these initial upfront costs being subsequently equalized over the industry is something that I would support. These costs are allocated over the life of the development, with well over half the costs being incurred in the last fiscal year of development. This provides a decision / stage gate point in time over the 4 cash calls.
"The Joint Operating Committee is the appropriate organizational construct."
This involves moving the "Accountability" framework, consisting of the "reporting", "regulatory" and "compliance" sub-frameworks, over to the "Financial", "Legal", "Operational Decision Making" and "Cultural" frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee. This re-alignment of the oil and gas producers organizational focus will have the material effect of increasing the scientific and engineering capability to a higher overall industry capacity. This is based on much of my current research in Professor Langlois, Dosi, Perez and others. This will also facilitate a faster speed of implementation of corporate policies. These concepts are proven in my research noted on These concepts have substantial support from the academic community, as noted under the calls to action in the Final Research Report. And it can now be said has tangible industry support.
"The myriad of permutations and combinations of a facility."
Review of the Partnership Accounting module reflects how this system could be built to accommodate the needs of the industry. How this has been handled in the past is poor. I suggest in this research report that the methods and means are at our disposal to provide the CO&O Farm-in / out, Pooling, Lease and associated mail ballots, AFE's etc. The Partnership Accounting module will have the influence on the accounting either through a strict application of the chemical makeup of the product produced, or the legal agreement, or any point in between these two extremes. This is the nut that is being cracked through the development of this software.
Review and comment on the competitive landscape.
CGI was granted a production accounting development on a shared basis between a number of the senior producers. This applications delivery is now in excess of 14 months late and is rumored not to be able to meet its requirements. The limited scope of the application and focus on the linking to each and every ERP vendor makes this a still born project in my opinion. I am also concerned with the level of expectation that these developers would therefore be available to this project. This project will hire the necessary people to make the application function in the market as expected. The people therefore who are coming to this clean slate approach, I will ensure are the best available. I also have methods and means that I can use to increase the overall capacity of the development community in Calgary.
There is now a definitive mindset in the industry regarding the packaged applications provided by SAP and Oracle. There is a general agreement that the oil and gas industry is poorly understood and represented by these vendors and their offerings. It is also agreed that these vendors consider the Canadian oil and gas industry as a niche market, not worthy of any new development investments.
IBM has now sold Qbyte, their oil and gas solution in the market. 140 producers use this solution. Many feel they were buying IBM, and hence no one ever lost their job recommending IBM. Many producers feel the current offering, which will not be supported by the purchaser in this transaction, will have ripple effects throughout the industry. These ripple effects include having an ERP system that is not supported is inconsistent with the requirements of Sarbane's Oxeley. It also makes the demand for IT services during the next 3 years seriously over subscribed.
I want to highlight the point I made in the Final Research Report regarding the copyright I hold. This is a unifying point for the industry to rally around. I am only licensing one company to develop the software and there will not be this scattered or "Venture Capital" approach to developing many solutions at the same time. All the energies of the development community and energy industry are focused on getting it "right". I can state this as no developer will be able to develop alternative systems based on the joint operating committee without a license from myself. This will disable the Venture Capital approach through the fact that Sarbane's Oxeley and general prudence would not permit producers’ employees to use a system from a pirated venture.
Development needs.
The four stage-gate cash calls are calculated on the basis of 10 subscribing producers to this offering. (Based on the minimum budget of $87.7 million.)
* Deposits of $1,000,000 ($100,000 per producer) on or before February 28, 2007
* $10.6 m / # of subscribing producers ($1,06,000 per 10 producers). Due September 30, 2007
* $19.6 m / # of subscribing producers ($1,96,000 per 10 producers). Due September 30, 2008
* $57.5 m / # of subscribing producers ($5,750,000 per 10 producers). Due September 30, 2009
An additional request for 4,000 sq. ft. in the downtown core to September 30, 2008 is required.
Contact Information
Paul D. Cox
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Photo courtesy troels